<p>I heard that Duke goes about their interviews differently, that they are more informal.
How was your interview? What did you talk about?</p>
<p>I got a call from an alumni in my area who asked to schedule an interview and I am nervous!</p>
<p>I heard that Duke goes about their interviews differently, that they are more informal.
How was your interview? What did you talk about?</p>
<p>I got a call from an alumni in my area who asked to schedule an interview and I am nervous!</p>
<p>No, the interview is not weird at all. I really enjoyed mine. My interview was informal. I just talked about my activities, family, academics (a little bit), and why I’d succeed at Duke. Be confident and show a lot of interest. Also, it’d be nice to bring something that represents your interests/who you are. Good luck~</p>
<p>don’t worry too much
i had to go to Duke Hospital for an interview (i was pretty damn nervous, M.D. man!)
we just basically talked about my background and his background and basic facts.
He didn’t ask any weird questions like favorite book or movie, or even why i wanted to go. It was just a normal conversation that I thought went really well.</p>
<p>Accepted ED btw</p>
<p>my interview was interesting.</p>
<p>It was really laid back and casual. He was in jeans and a Duke sweatshirt.
We started talking about basketball and football, when I walked in, because he was checking scores. We simply talked about Duke life, and why I wanted to go. I thought it was really cool and informative.</p>
<p>interviews are really more for you to ask questions about Duke as opposed to being an additional criteria in admissions. i applied last year and had my interview in feb. and my interviewer said he had a lot of people to interview so he fell behind (lol) so we met that same day. he asked about like what i felt my greatest accomplishment in high school was and stuff like that. the conversation eventually went to basketball and football so yea like everyone else has said, its extremely informal so just relax and bring lots of questions to ask.</p>