<p>Hello fellow College Confidentialites, I venture here on a task to absorb as much info I can get on this very delicate, yet simple matter. You see, I have the option of attending the two universities that have been mentioned in the title above. Now, if you ask "What on earth is Durham University?" I would kindly appreciate that you not reply to this thread - it is a highly prestigious UK university often known as the place where oxbridge rejects go :S. Still, moving on - yes I was rejected by Cambridge <.< - I find myself in a bit of a pickle.</p>
<p>I find both the universities to have courses that are very interesting to me, all it really comes down to is this. I plan on living in the UK when I'm older and in terms of regional reputation I would say that having a degree from Durham in the UK is on par with the same career benefits that having a degree from a very reputable university in the US would have for those who wish to work in the US - :P. Even though I love Carnegie Mellon as an institution, sadly it's not that well known in the UK among employers and would suffer from consistent questioning as to it's whereabouts etc - as Durham would have in the US.</p>
<p>Now, here is the pickle - I know you've been waiting. Carnegie would be almost free - not bad eh? - Whereas Durham would cost aprox $22,000 a year - all costs. Is regional reputation - remember, I'm staying in the UK - worth paying that hefty price tag? </p>
<p>I'd love some comments that are thoughtful and have coherent answers as this delicate pickle of a situation will have a substantial impact on my future. </p>