Dying to go to PENN 2006

<p>Penn Early or anywhere else
white amle, central florida
4.2 weighted gpa (3.85ish un)
top 7% class
sat 2120 (reading- 730, writing- 740, math 650),
sat2: USHist- 800 math2c and spanish were very very bad but i am going to submit lit when it ake it instead</p>

<p>2002 National Geographic Bee state champ, nat qualifier
freshman social studies award, also junior social studies award
most speaker point by a novice for debate- also some other small awards
outstanding delegate at UCF KNIGHTMUN (model UN) conf.
who’s who blah blah…</p>

<p>-founder and prez of model un for 4yrs
-debate for 3yrs
-national hon soc, spanish nat hon soc, eng nat hon soc (i’ll will be the -chairman of peer tutoring)
-was in Teengage republicans and volunteered for bush- but ive had a change of heart and im now a democrat (how to address that on the application?)
-numerous leadership postions in my Boy Scot Troop
-Eagle Scout
-Order of the arrow scouyting honer society (ceremonies team)
-junoir class council
jv and varsity tennis- (9, 10,)</p>

<p>part time job at YMCA in the child develptment area- working with kids ages 6 months to 11years old, about 15 hours per week</p>

<p>I am dying to go to PENN and will probably apply early (Ben Franklin is my hero- no joke) but if i can’t go there- is it worth applying to other tough schools like Tufts, Duke, UVA, UNC Chapel Hill, or GT?
ALso- what are your opinions of Emory, George Washington or anywhere else for some one intereste4d in polisci, history or int. relations? What schools get kids into DC internships for congress or the white house etc…?</p>

<p>any constructive critiisizm or advice please! don’t be a snob-- lol</p>

<p>um, u seem like a really good student. Penn is the one school that I am not even sure what it takes to get admitted. I had almost 100 pts above you on the SATs, but I also applied from a very competitive area, California, where all the kids are dying to get out of cali and go to eastern ivy league schools and the such. I applied ed, deferred, then waitlisted, then rejected. I was devestated when I didn't get in, and I have seen kids with MUCH LOWER THAN BOTH OF US get in ed, in my school alone, kids with below 1350 SAT scores and average GPAs have been admited ED. But my year, my luck didn't come through, and NO ONE was admitted ED.</p>

<p>yea- we've only ever sent one student and i hoping that works towards my advantage since most of my competition in the area will be from prep schools. My school pretty competitive tho not as much as those up east and out west- but everyone goes to UF for the money. I hope i escape so bad!</p>

<p>Might want to improve that score, but otherwise I think you have a good shot.</p>

<p>Oh yea- did i mention i have a C for precalc on my transcript? they know i'm not a math person and i have all A's in everything else- to what degree are they forgiving, especially if i am taking an AP CAlc class next yr?</p>

<p>u wont get in, but i will because im hispanic.</p>

<p>ok, so im joking... but, it won't matter.</p>

<p>2 ppl went to UPenn from my FL high school this year.</p>

<p>I wouldn't worry too much about the math thing...I had a 650 too and I made it in. I didn't even take math my last two years of high school (different education system and everything). Obviously it's nice to be good at everything, but if you're very strong in most other areas it shouldn't be a big deal.
That said, I'm assuming you're thinking College rather than Wharton/Engineering, in which case you would probably need to either boost those math scores or rethink your college options, since business/engineering is going to require a fairly math-y mindset.</p>

<p>The Combine Program Of Wharton/engineering Is Awesome...but A Bit Hard To Get In</p>

<p>Oh i'm all about SAS--> poly sci and history probably</p>