Heart Set

<p>white male, central florida
4.2 weighted gpa (3.85ish un)
top 7% class, competitive public, 46/5??
sat 2120 (reading- 730, writing- 740, math 650),
sat2: USHist- 800 math2c and spanish were very very bad but i am going to submit lit when it ake it instead</p>

<p>AP- 5 in World His (10grade), 5 for US, Euro and Eng LAng in 11th</p>

<p>2002 National Geographic Bee state champ, nat qualifier
freshman social studies award, also junior social studies award
most speaker point by a novice for debate- also some other small awards
outstanding delegate at UCF KNIGHTMUN (model UN) conf.
Rotary Youth Leadership Conference (where i met one of my local alumni interviewrs
who’s who blah blah…</p>

<p>-founder and prez of model un for 4yrs
-debate for 3yrs
-national hon soc,
spanish nat hon soc,
-eng nat hon soc (i’ll will be the -chairman of peer tutoring)
-was in Teengage republicans and volunteered for bush- but ive had a change of heart and im now a democrat (how to address that on the application?)
-numerous leadership postions in my Boy Scout Troop
-Eagle Scout
-Order of the arrow scouting honer society (ceremonies team)
-junoir class council
jv and varsity tennis- (9, 10,)</p>

<p>part time job at YMCA in the child develptment area- working with kids ages 6 months to 11years old, about 15 hours per week ( i’ve changed diapers and i think that deserves a round of aplause)</p>

<p>80hrs volunteering at my high school this summer</p>

<p>EARLY DECISION to the COLLEGE for History or poly sci (does it matter admissions wise- like are they looking to expand either programs?)</p>

<p>Chances look good to me...just work hard on those essays! I'm not too sure on the history and poly science major(but im assuming its great), but maybe someone else can help you out with that one!!</p>

<p>the 800 history will help support your case for being accepted as a history major, but your rank and SAT will make admission a challenge. While you certainly could be admitted, a higher SAT score (given your mediocre-by-penn-standards rank) may be necessary. Try to get the math+reading up to about 1450 and you will stand a much better chance.</p>

<p>Thank god, a college applicant</p>

<p>I think the college suggest you take a language SATII, so that Spanish could hurt you more than you think.</p>

<p>I think you stand a decent shot, your rank is top 10%, which still ought to be good enough even though you went to a large school. I'd be interested to hear what 'very very bad' means with regard to your sat2's, and i'd be a little concerned about that 650 math score. All-in-all though, I'd say you're in good shape.</p>

<p>Also, ditto on the thanks for not making yet another wharton thread</p>