<p>white male, central florida
4.2 weighted gpa (3.85ish un)
top 7% class, competitive public, 46/5??
sat 2120 (reading- 730, writing- 740, math 650),
sat2: USHist- 800 math2c and spanish were very very bad but i am going to submit lit when it ake it instead</p>
<p>AP- 5 in World His (10grade), 5 for US, Euro and Eng LAng in 11th</p>
<p>2002 National Geographic Bee state champ, nat qualifier
freshman social studies award, also junior social studies award
most speaker point by a novice for debate- also some other small awards
outstanding delegate at UCF KNIGHTMUN (model UN) conf.
Rotary Youth Leadership Conference (where i met one of my local alumni interviewrs
who’s who blah blah…</p>
<p>-founder and prez of model un for 4yrs
-debate for 3yrs
-national hon soc,
spanish nat hon soc,
-eng nat hon soc (i’ll will be the -chairman of peer tutoring)
-was in Teengage republicans and volunteered for bush- but ive had a change of heart and im now a democrat (how to address that on the application?)
-numerous leadership postions in my Boy Scout Troop
-Eagle Scout
-Order of the arrow scouting honer society (ceremonies team)
-junoir class council
jv and varsity tennis- (9, 10,)</p>
<p>part time job at YMCA in the child develptment area- working with kids ages 6 months to 11years old, about 15 hours per week ( i’ve changed diapers and i think that deserves a round of aplause)</p>
<p>80hrs volunteering at my high school this summer</p>
<p>EARLY DECISION to the COLLEGE for History or poly sci (does it matter admissions wise- like are they looking to expand either programs?)</p>