<p>So, for Ebill, it says the amount due by Aug 15 is $4,657.25</p>
<p>My loans/grants haven't come in yet (i sent in a missing form like two weeks ago, and they still haven't updated it yet). So, will my loans/grants cover this amount, some of it, or do I need to pay the whole thing right out of pocket?</p>
<p>Yeah, this is after you click the agree button after reading the rules and stuff. Then, you're supposed to click the green dollar sign and pay it. Don't worry too much about it, but you still may want to go by the financial aid office. The worst that could happen is they might put a hold on you after your bill is long overdue.</p>
<p>the minimum payment due button is when you click CARS tab on your bearfacts and then the quick statement tab. it says minimum amount due and that's what you have to pay.</p>
<p>i have a question, my minimum amount due says 0, but when i go on my ebill, it says i have to pay around three thousand something. and it's due august 15th... i thought i didn't have to worry about this cus my minimum due was taken care of now, but should i be worried? i don't want to pay extra later...</p>
<p>well, swetko, i'm still not 100% familiar with the Cal finiancial system, but here it goes.</p>
<p>if you think the bank transaction = online transaction ? = is easiest thing to do, then go on to bearfacts and sign up for e-bill, which is under the CARS tab. you could put your bank account info and make transactions online
via e-checks, or you could just use checks and drop it off the financial office</p>