E2@MIT vs. Carnegie Mellon SAMS

I just got into E2@MIT, which runs from July 26 - August 2, 2015. I expect to get into Carnegie Mellon SAMS, which runs from June 27 - August 8, 2015. Both programs are free and I’ve heard great things about each, so which should I choose (if I do get accepted into SAMS)? If I choose E2 I might be able to attend Notre Dame Leadership Seminars along with the national conference for TSA, but I feel like six weeks at Carnegie Mellon might be better than one week at MIT.

I am in the exact same situation!!!

@orangesRkool No way!! How exact?

I also got into E2 and am pretty confident that I’ll get into SAMS. If I choose to go with E2, I can participate in other summer activities, and it’s at fricking MIT!!! If I choose to go with SAMS, I can be a part of a six-week program. I’m as conflicted as you are. As of right now I’m going with E2 because that’s the only one I’ve heard back from, and I still have to talk to my counselor.

I was leaning towards E2 for the same reasons, and since we have to confirm by April 21 which is way before the SAMS decision, I guess I’ll just confirm. The only thing is that I don’t know how much I can learn in just one week… @orangesRkool

I guess I’m kind of late to the party, but I also had to deal with that same issue. Guess we’ll be seeing each other

@gerardohhh @orangesRkool Can you guys post your stats please? I was rejected from MITES/E2/MOSTEC and I was wondering what it takes to get in

@birdballs I got into both Sams and e2. I went with e2 because it was my first choice. My stats aren’t that great. What I think really helped were the essays and my transcript, but I’d be happy to share my stats anyway.

ACT: 29
Unweighted GPA (out of 4.0): 3.98
Weighted GPA: 4.172
Rank (percentile if rank is unavailable): N/A
AP (place score in parenthesis): AP Chemistry (4), AP Physics C: Mechanics (4), AP Calculus BC (5)
Junior Year Course Load: AP Human Geography, AP US Government and Politics, AP Statistics, AP World History, biomedical innovations, oral communications, English, international relations

Extracurriculars (leadership in parenthesis): foreign languages and cultures club (VP), future business leaders of America (VP)
Job/Work Experience: freelance business writer, student research intern
State: Arkansas
Ethnicity: Hispanic
Gender: male

@birdballs I was also accepted to both programs. My stats are okay but could be better:

ACT: 33 (32 when I applied)
SAT: 2110
Unweighted GPA: 4.0
Rank: 1/607
AP: World History (4), Spanish Language (5)
Rigorous Courses: Dual Enrollment Pre-Calculus and Algebra II, AP US History, AP Physics I, AP Biology, AP Spanish Literature, AP English Language

Extracurriculars: Technology Student Association, Cross Country, Mock Trial, National History Day, math competitions, church youth group, local service organization board member
Jobs: n/a
State: Texas
Ethnicity: Mexican
Gender: Male
Parents’ Education: College in Mexico

My essays were last minute and definitely not great, so I really did not expect to be accepted. I assume that my diverse background is the main reason I got in.

I would go with the longer program because it’s more meaningful summer activity.

@DrGoogle That would be ideal and I sorta agree with you but I have several other commitments that I’d have to miss if I were to go to the longer program