EA Acceptances?!

<p>So...has anyone received his or her letter yet?</p>

<p>I got mine today and I was ACCEPTED! <em>does a happy dance</em></p>

<p>Stats if you must know
Cr: 630 M: 500 W: 620
SAT II: Lit: 630/570 <-don't want to talk about it French: 590
GPA: 3.8
Rank: 9%</p>

<p>Congrats to everyone else!</p>


[<em>] SAT:didn't send
[</em>] SAT IIs:didn't send
[<em>] ACT: 31
[</em>] GPA: 4.69
[<em>] Rank:28/325
[</em>] Other stats:
[<em>] Essays: kinda confusing, they wrote about it on the little note at the bottom of the letter
[</em>] Teacher Recs: dno
[<em>] Counselor Rec:dno
[</em>] Hook (if any):none
[<em>] State or Country:MA
[</em>] School Type:public
[<em>] Ethnicity:white
[</em>] Gender:female
[<em>] major strength/weakness: ECS, GPA :)
[</em>] why you think you were accepted/rejected/defered: ECS & rank
[li] going to attend? we'll see after i hear from notre dame ;)[/li][/ul]Other Factors:</p>

<p>anyone else love the little personal note :) or was scared because they didn't tell you you were accepted until the LAST SENTENCE OF THE LAST PARAGRAPH haha</p>

<p>I had my dad read the letter to me over the phone because I was out with my mom. He dragged it out for a while, lol. I like how the letter first says "This is the letter you have been waiting for". From there I kind of assumed I got in. The note at the end of mine was nice; it's nice to know they actually read your essay!</p>

<p>i got in EA II</p>

<p>accepted EAII- I was very relieved.</p>

<p>When did you get your EA II decision last year? Just curious, because D applied EA II this year and can’t wait to hear.</p>

<p>My son got deferred!!! I’m SHOCKED. He thought it was his safety.
R: 630; W: 610; M: 680. All honors and AP. Had one bad term last year.</p>


<p>GPA: 3.65
SAT: 1300/1950</p>

<p>Got in Early Action
3.4 GPA
All Honors</p>

<p>D accepted EA, VERY happy. </p>

<p>solid 3.7 GPA, 1900 SAT, solid rec/EC’s/volunteer/athletics</p>