EA application time is approaching, and i've finished the final draft.

<p>I would care for some opinions on what seems to be the finished product of the common app long essay; not critiques as much as good, bad, just thoughts. I like thoughts. It's an artsy essay. Kinda overblown. Tell me if you'll read it. Much obliged.</p>

<p>yeah, i'll read it if you want... I'm half way through my common app essay and need a break from writing :)</p>

<p>I'm not tr</p>

<p>yeah, if you want some helpful criticism, i'd be happy to read it.</p>

<p>I'd like to read it. I'm a musician and my essay is about musc so I think I'll appreciate the artsy vibe.</p>

<p>ill be glad to take a look also, pm me!</p>

<p>I'll see if I can help..</p>

<p>Ill look at it!</p>

<p>Okay I'll read it!</p>

<p>i have written lots of artsy essays so i would very much like to read yours :)</p>

<p>sure, I'll give it a read and PM you my critique and suggestions.</p>

<p>I can give you my suggestions if you want:)</p>