EA Decisions?

When does UW-Madison send admissions notifications for EA applicants? Do they release them all on a single date, or do they notify applicants on a rolling basis as they review and make decisions? If so, how early would they start notifying?

Ive heard that in past years they started rolling them out late December/early January, thought with COVID and test - optional changing the analysis process it is so hard to predict whether it will be like past years. Best of luck to you!

My daughter applied EA last year. My recollection is that the notification date was to have been in mid- to late-December, but that UW-Madison received more applications than they had anticipated and results were not ready by the published notification date. They pushed back the notification date and sent out the results in waves - perhaps WI students first, then two days later to out-of-state students? My daughter heard by 12/23. However, I see this year on their website that the UW-Madison pushed back the notification date to “by January 31.” My guess is this was in response to last year’s deluge. By using language of “by January 31,” the school has to option to release earlier, if the admissions committee has finished its work earlier, while still giving them more breathing room than they had last year. I would not expect the school to release results on a rolling basis, however.

To everyone applying to Wisconsin EA: This is a discord server for Wisconsin-Madison EA applicants: https:// discord.g g /Wr4tSkU5vy (no spaces)