University of Wisconsin Madison EA Class of 2023

Does anyone know if EA decisions will be out before the end of December?

I’ve been searching the archives to try to figure this out, it sounds like for OOS in particular it won’t be until the end of December. I applied from CA and am waiting…

I believe it’s going to be around the 16th of Dec… Admissions will tell you.

I figured starting that Friday night, the 14th based on some friends and archives. They have rolled out all weekend and into the week leading up to Christmas. Then, I have no idea what past practice was. I thought we would look into that if needed after the first wave.

The emails went out today and said by the end of December.

“Thank you for applying to the University of Wisconsin-Madison. We received your completed application and required materials by the deadline, and your application will be reviewed in our Early Action period. You will receive your admission decision by the end of December.”

@TytoAlba are you in-state or OOS? My S19 hasn’t received this notification yet (his materials were all marked “received” several weeks ago). Wondering if those are going out in batches.

@JBStillFlying my son is OOS

@TytoAlba my son is in MN and we just got the e-mail a few minutes ago. Nice to have this decision by end of December. That’s sooner than it was a couple of years ago.

My DS didn’t receive email either, but his material was in by Oct. 25.

I am out of state, from PA and I received an email saying admissions decisions for EA will be sent by the end of December.

Me too!

of course if we want to parse the email technically it could come before the end of December.

Just to clarify, there was nothing new in the way of information in the email, the EA deadline admissions decision has always stated end of December with no date given, on the website and every marketing material. I’m still going by past practice and assuming it will be well before that. At least I hope so…this waiting is hard when it is the number 1 choice. Many MN residents had their notification the 15th and 16th of December last year. Obviously, WI applicants too as it plasters the social media :slight_smile:

The anticipation is overwhelming!! If your OOS, do these stats have a good chance of getting in. 30 ACT GPA over 4.0. Honor roll. All A’s first trimester. 4 AP’S. Good extra CC. Killer essay and most of all a great fit in everyway.

@calspeed I would look at your school stats to determine. as a 30 wouldn’t cut it for us OOS and that might not be true for your school Unweighted GPA looks great! It varies so much AND holistic review may have you showing something they really like in other areas. Essays are hard to judge, only admissions knows how they fare.

Wow. Thanks for your input. Thought a 30 on the ACT was right in there.
" The average ACT score composite at University of Wisconsin - Madison is a 29. The 25th percentile ACT score is 27, and the 75th percentile ACT score is 31. In other words, a 27 places you below average, while a 31 will move you up to above average." Hoping that we are what they are looking for!

^ This is technically correct, but you need to account for differences between in-state and out-of-state acceptance rates. It’s much more competitive for out of state and Minnesota so the ACT scores have to be higher.

oh gotcha! Fingers crossed. Perfect match for my student in every way! Go Badgers!!

Crossing fingers with you @Calspeed! I feel like these last two weeks are going to drag on when it is the number one choice.

@calspeed fingers crossed for you too. It may depend on the state you are in, and even the school. At our school in Illinois, UWM is very popular since many trying to flee Illinois. As a result, admissions are a bit more stringent. Our counselor said that most kids with 32+ got in (as long as also had a good GPA) and only one got in with a 31. Everyone else was rejected. It is frustrating to know that you’re on the upper end and could still not get in. Over here, not feeling at all confident with a 33 :frowning:

Any other top contenders? Have you looked at Minnesota or Indiana? Somewhat similar feel as UWM