<p>Just curious...wondering if any EA acceptees have heard any final financial aid info or scholarship info? I haven't seen any posts yet from any of you that I know of...</p>
<p>Nothing here in Pennsylvania. :(</p>
<p>we're in Ohio and nothing....but the RD kids are hearing already in the midwest...</p>
<p>Nothing here in CA. :(</p>
<p>The College's decision date is April 5th. So expect financial info next week.</p>
<p>I just gave them some financial updates today, in fact.</p>
<p>fortune4260..what do you mean their "decision date" is April 5?</p>
<p>thought i'd give this a bump to see if anyone EA has heard anything..</p>
<p>Still nothing in Pennsylvania.</p>
<p>Quaker prejudice, I say.</p>
<p>:( :( :(
East Coast</p>
<p>Will merit aid still be offered next week, or is it all done?</p>
<p>I think that regular-decision applicants have already been notified of merit aid if they received any. Early-action applicants will hear next week, I suppose.</p>
<p>Didn't Epistrophy say her son got fabulous (one of the big 30) merit aid at Chicago on her thread Uof C/Harvard. So apparently it has been sent.</p>
<p>What Brinestorm!!!That sounds fair, you apply EA, but the RD applicants get selected for Merit Aid, and informed first? Something's not right with that.</p>
<p>I think the solace I've gained in knowing where I'm going to college next year four months before everyone else outweighs the extra time I'll have to wait to receive my financial aid info.</p>
<p>Good attitude...:)</p>
<p>I agree! UNC EA applicants applied 11-1, found out 1-31 (well, a little earlier), and have yet to find out about financial aid (mid to late-April). Chicago EA'ers are lucky! Chicago RD applicants haven't heard about FA yet (I haven't heard, at least).</p>
<p>Does anyone know if UofC gives school grants - not just merit aid?</p>
<p>UofC gives out plenty of grants, loans and work-study.</p>
<p>chocoholic - THANK YOU! Hope is still alive!</p>
<p>No merit or final financial aid package for EA applicant has arrived in southern Illinois. Our initial aid estimate was an $18,000 grant and two loans totaling ~$5000.</p>