<p>Something to keep in mind...</p>
<p>In the past two years, JMU has released EA decisions on the first week of spring semester (which is mid-January)</p>
<p>So if this is accurate..we should be hearing back Jan 12-16th!!</p>
<p>With Christmas and New Years coming up, the time will FLY!
Good Luck to all who are waiting :)</p>
<p>Your really nice. Thank you for replying to me and keeping everyone posted</p>
<p>I hate the fact they let us know so late! I’ve been waiting for months, but I guess one more won’t hurt too bad. I hope I get in.</p>
<p>Aw thanks baseballguy! :)</p>
<p>And yes I agree kwoc, I hate how their Early Action is so late but JMU is a great school so it’s worth the wait! Haha.</p>