EA to Siena College: Send scores or go TO?

S24 is preparing his application for Siena College and the EA deadline is Sunday (10/15). We’ve gone back and forth in discussions about whether or not to submit test scores.


  • UW GPA at end of 11th grade was 93.875/100 (roughly 3.8 on a 4.0 scale, I think?). Current year avg is a 99% so we expect overall GPA to go up a bit more.
  • 1-2 honors courses per year, 3 APs (in progress for 12th grade)
  • SAT: 1230
  • ACT: 27

He is right around the 75th percentile depending on the different sites we have looked at. Is it worth reporting those SAT/ACT scores, or should he leave them off?

TIA for any advice!

If he is around the 75 percentile, you can safely submit scores. It will most likely help his application.


One thing to remember about the reported SAT scores: For most test-optional schools this is reporting the scores of those students who chose to submit SAT scores. Generally speaking of the students who did not submit scores, some did not take the SAT and some had lower scores. This means that the reported SAT scores are generally higher than what the scores would be if all admitted students had reported scores.

To me that any score that is above the 50th percentile as reported is worth submitting.

Based on my very quick Google search right now, it appears that your son’s SAT is well above the 50th percentile of reported scores and quite close to the 75th percentile of reported scores.

I would submit the SAT scores.


When my D was looking at test optional colleges admissions officers generally suggested sending standardized test scores if they are at or above the school’s average. I would send to Siena.


Sienna would be a safety for him so I don’t think sending scores is going to either hurt or help him. I would send his scores, especially if they are in the range for the Presidential Scholarship.

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Definitely send. :+1:

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Definitely send, can only help.


Thanks all, I appreciate it. This is the first application to go out so it’s a little terrifying. And we’re definitely hoping for some merit aid so definitely want to do anything we can to increase the chances of that!
Thanks again!

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In your favorite browser, type the name of the college and “CDS” or “collegedata”. Look at the 25-75 spread (25 is the threshold where you must have a major hook like million donating family or D1 recruited…, 75 is a typical threshold for the most competitive majors, Honors college, and lower level of scholarships). If you’re within average to 75%, consider whether it makes your application more solid or not. If your scores are above the 75% threshold, definitely send. Obviously this threshold changes for each college :grimacing:

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