Each Of You Are Special

<p>I didn't mean to make my last post sound like she wouldn't get in to the schools she auditioned for. She felt great about her auditions and is very excited about the prospects of going to one of those schools. However, I just want to find out all I can just in case.</p>

<p>Thanks for the welcome. I feel like I have new friends. </p>

<p>I was first of all suprised at how friendly everyone was. My D even ran into a girl she had gone to camp with 3 or 4 years ago. That was neat. We felt like all the other people auditioning were friendly and supportive.</p>

<p>Secondly, I was surprised too at the number of schools! She had eight auditions pre-scheduled but it was tempting to get caught up in the excitement and do walk-ins but we didn't.</p>

<p>Lastly I was surprised at how much I loved Chicago. And we won the lottery on Tuesday night and got to see Wicked from the front row for $25.00. Hooray.</p>

<p>marraine- my s roommate at um is from montana and both my s and his room mate got in through the chicago unifieds-best of luck</p>

<p>Marianne, Welcome from a fellow lurker!! I am sure you will find someone who can tell you about Nebraska Wes. Our search was mainly the east since we are close to Philly. I know that it is hard to see the numbers on paper, but when you are at these auditions, and SEE the numbers....ugh. We went to the NY unifieds. We have traveled to most of the schools to audition, but for the Ohio and Mass. schools, well we are 2 hours from our driveway to the theater district in NY...so we ended up there. It was a great time, but it was overwhelming...for me!! My d was in heaven.<br>
You will enjoy it here. It is so amazing how supportive and helpful everyone is! Good luck. Now you must keep us informed.</p>

<p>I am ridiculously determined but often think poorly of myself and have a lot of trouble getting myself to realize that it doesn't really matter what school I go to. I get frusutrated because I have never een the star nor have I ever gotten chanced to prove myself. But I believe if you truly and whole heartedly want it you will get there. It's not what has naturally surfaced but how hard you work at bringing the rest out,</p>

<p>It's funny after all these months of reading and not writing that today is the day my D got her first response from Unifieds. Waitlisted at Evansville. They wrote a very nice letter. So the waiting continues. At least we know they liked her enough to waitlist her right? They don't wait list everyone do they?</p>

<p>Marianne! That is great! I highly doubt they would waitlist everyone!! Evansville...as in Indiana by any chance? I am a Hoosier!! Go IU! There is an Evansville in southern Indiana. See...good news is fun to share here!</p>

<p>Im going to chime in and agree with babygiraffeboots. It is all about determination and luck. Granted I would love a lead one of these days , my voice coach is convinced that my first role outside of ensemble will be either a smallish role or a sidekick (think ado annie). But thats besides the point. It does get discouraging here about all the wonderful theater careers kids lead on here , when your stuck int he bakc row, btu as people have told me over and over your time will come. If you really want it that bad it will work out. When I used to do gymnastics, I started back when I was 14 and was put in a class with 9 years old who were so much better then me. One day we were doing front flips into the pit and trying to land them. Time and again I landed on my butt. The next tiem I ran really hard and I knew in my heart I wanted it and I stuck it perfectly. My instructer was liek you stuck it becuase you wanted it in your heart. i never did it again but that time was enough for me. If I could do it once, I could do it again.
Another little story(Im full of those tonight). I once had a directer that told a story about this man that all his life wanted to play Hamlet. He knew he would never get it because he knew he wasn't the type but he figured he would audition anyway. Even though he never got to BE Hamlet, jsut reading the monologue during his audition , he was Hamlet for those few minuetes and the joy he felt playing his dream role, if only for a second he carried to all his other auditions.</p>

<p>marianne 406</p>

<p>I am sorry that I can't offer any details, but I have heard positive things about Nebraska Wesleyan. It seems that I have heard that they have a strong drama department and have heard of a couple of kids that have gone there. Is there any way you can get there to visit?</p>

<p>marianne 406</p>

<p>They don't waitlist everyone! They except a VERY small number of people each year and I'm guessing they waitlist less than 20 (probably WAY less) but I have heard of people getting in there off the waitlist, and I think they are one of the schools that don't except a larger number to yeild a smaller number, but except exactly the number they want...this may be confusing so here are examples</p>

<p>Some schools except a large # to yeild a smaller one, like if a school wanted 20 people, they would except about 35-45 students to get a class of 20, then there is also a waitlst of like 10</p>

<p>But I think I have read that evensville doesn't do it like that...say that they except 10 (not exact numbers) they ONLY except 10 and then maybe 10 more on the waitlist, so your chances to get in off of it are better.</p>

<p>sorry this post was long, but I hope it was helpful!</p>

<p>Very encouraging. Thank you all.</p>

<p>It's been a while since I've posted on CC (I've missed it) but I'd just like to thank everyone who posted on this particular thread. I have local community theatre auditions coming up the next two weekends, and this time of year I'm usually very stressed out, and feeling incredibly negitive towards myself about my abilities as a performer. I'll be sure to remember to read through this thread audition morning to remind me that this IS my dream and I'm going to work very hard to persue it. Thank you!!!</p>

<p>Brdywbound- Hang in there. I am sure you will perform beautifaully in your auditions.
This is a stressful time for lots of people. My D and I keep looking at the mailbox, hoping that suddenly the mailman will arrive on a Sunday evening with good news!</p>

I had to laugh at that one. We've got snow snow snow again, and the way I've been acting, you'd think the mail delivery was gonna somehow be tonight!!! Ridiculous! I know how you feel!! </p>

<p>I really need a crisis at work to get my mind switched over to something else.</p>

<p>Good Morning all! I just wanted to share that Oprah recommended a book entitled Letters to a Young Artist which I promptly ordered for my d. In it the author reminds those of you in the arts that your job is very important because you all are "the creators of our culture"! Talk about how you are all special!!! Just wanted to share...</p>

<p>MTHeaded- the book sounds fabulous. Thanks for the recommendation. </p>

<p>And Chrism- I hope you have an enormous crisis! I am trying to make procuring flowers for my D's show next weekend into the most important job in the world, so I can obsess about that for a few days.</p>

<p>MTHeaded - did Oprah happen to mention the author? Because, I just checked on my library's catalog, and they list 2!!! One published in 2005 (Julia Cameron), one in 2006 (Anna Deavere Smith) ! Also - Letters to a Young Actor: A Universal Guide to Performance.</p>

That is so funny, yet true...may we all have chaos in our life now!! It really does help. We are in the final stages of my d's HS musical with the performances the end of this week! (and thank goodness it is NOT going smoothly! :)) And then we have been doubly blessed by having my youngest d's formal the following week!! Yeah! My life is in utter chaos and I do not know which way to go! Although, I still RUSH to check the mail inbetween e-mails, errands, and everything else!</p>

<p>Here is the link to Oprah's choice - looks great! Thanks MTHeaded!</p>

<p><a href="http://www.oprah.com/tows/booksseen/200510/tows_book_20051017_adsmith.jhtml%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://www.oprah.com/tows/booksseen/200510/tows_book_20051017_adsmith.jhtml&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>Maybe this is the best place for this post. This post isn't designed to create sadness, although it will. Its purpose is to motivate us all to love and enjoy our kids every moment. Sunday night, we got word that we had lost one of our local kids. You may have seen on the news the torrential rains and storms we had in Texas Sunday. This young man was a freshman at Texas Tech and was headed back to school. He had an accident just outside Abilene. I've had such a heavy heart. Our D actually left here Sunday afternoon to return to Ok
City, but upon reporting to us how bad the roads were and hearing about flooding on the radio, we instructed her to turn around and come back home. It was only a few hours later that we heard about this boy. We just never know when our kids have left us for the last time. They're all so special. This reminded me to appreciate her even more.</p>