You're right that your post creates sadness. I can't even stand hearing these kinds of stories because they are so horrifying and hit so close when you have children who are just becoming adults and going out on their own. My heart goes out to his family. That's wonderful that you put your daughter's safety ahead of her missing a couple of college courses (or whatever) by telling her to turn around and come back home. We need to always remind ourselves not to lose sight of what's most important in our lives and the lives of our kids.</p>
<p>I think having children at any age brings this sadness home. I was searching through scholarships yesterday and found one called the Ashley Marie Easterbrook Internet Scholarship and on the beautiful site it had a letter from Ashley's dad to her written after she was killed by a drunk driver - it left me shattered for hours - I can't even imagine going on with your life with this kind of loss. Life is so fragile!</p>
<p>R-back, Thank you for sharing with us. I think it is so important to keep a perspective on all of this and the "you are special" thread was the perfect spot to share. It is a poignant reminder that we can plan for the future but we can not control the outcome and we need to live today with grace and gratitude.</p>
<p>Puts things in perspective... we all need that sometimes.
Thank you for sharing R-back.</p>
<p>So I don't really know what thead to put this in.. but I figured here was as good as anywhere. I started thinking about how long some of you have been on CC, and I just wanted to thank you all for your amazing posts and I hope you're all still on CC so there's some experienced people out there to answer my questions when I audition in a few years! So, thank you!</p>
<p>brdwybound, it's kind of you to give thanks. The wonderful thing about this board (and this group of people) is that each year there is a a group of parents who learned from the previous group of parents and they stick around to help. I see that continuing, so even if some parents leave once their students are "in" and on their way, other parents will take their places. </p>
<p>Of course, it also helps that now there are threads for the "already in school" group - on summer stock auditions, and other matters. </p>
<p>Hats off to CC/MT!</p>
<p>and talented, and courageous!</p>
<p>Bump up to the top</p>