<p>Are there any Eagle Scouts on College Confidential who want to go to a Service Academy (especially those with appointments)? If you are, post up!</p>
<p>I guess you can write your date, troop, where your troop is, and which service academy...</p>
<p>May 9, 2005
Troop 1
Sacramento, CA</p>
<p>Females, post your Gold Award credentials as well.</p>
<p>Alex Delgado
March 13 2003
Fort Worth, Tx
EP: Renovated a classroom for the hearing impaired at a Catholic Church
Plans: NAPS- Class of 2007 and USNA CLASS OF 2011!!!!!!!!!!!</p>
<p>Wow, I didn't even know about USNA's NESA, thanks for pointing that out. I find it great how the academies attract Eagle/Gold Award Scouts. I did not go to the national jamboree because I was first moving from CA to VA five years ago, and then from VA to TX this past summer, although I was supposed to go to both. My Eagle Scout project was completely renovating a school playground.</p>
<p>I am not planning on applying to the Naval Academy but I live somewhat close and have been there several times. Actually the several times I have been there has been on a Scouting Trip, called the NESA jamboree, an event where about 5,000 scouters come to the NA for the day and attend merit badge classes taught by Eagle Scouts that are Mids. It was really cool because all the Mids that run it are Eagle Scouts, and I got to check out the academy.</p>
<p>And I did go to the National Jamboree, troop 414.</p>
Troop 8
Kingwood, TX
Eagle on Dec. 1, 2002</p>
<p>I was at the National Jamboree on the Sea Scout staff...we were the ones running around in the crackerjack uniforms during the Charlie Foxtrot that was the opening ceremony. My leaders are writing up an 'After Action Report' so a few of us can get some kind of heroism award I believe.</p>
<p>My plebe daughter has duty tonight in Bancroft Hall, so instead I'll share this information. She was a Brownie/Girl Scout for 12 years straight (first grade through 12th). Sure, she considered bailing out in middle school, but I wouldn't hear of it and she "bridged" to the next level when our troop (Southern California) joined the San Francisco Girl Scout Council and walked across the Golden Gate Bridge as part of the bridging ceremony. In middle school she earned her Silver Award with a school uniform recycling project. Later, she established a literacy program at a local middle school as part of her Gold Award. One of the last things she did before she left for Plebe Summer was to use some of her scholarship money to register for a lifetime membership in Girl Scouts of America and register to vote! She's surprised that so many of her friends at USNA are former Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts! My friend, who is a college professor, was the troop leader (bless her). Throughout high school the troop was pretty small, with only five members, but all of the girls are doing amazing things: two are at USC, one is at UC Berkeley, my plebe at USNA, and one is at Stanford University.</p>
<p>hey, i just had my eagle ceremony today. sheesh, that was waaaay too complicated, but it was fun. My former scoutmasters were there and one is USNA '85, and the other is USNA '06 (meaning this year).</p>