<p>i think im going to withdraw my BC app EA. if i get rejected/defferred from ND EA then I still might apply but I've quite frankly lost all interest. ew.</p>
<p>les bit-ches</p>
<p>i think im going to withdraw my BC app EA. if i get rejected/defferred from ND EA then I still might apply but I've quite frankly lost all interest. ew.</p>
<p>les bit-ches</p>
<p>Why have you lost interest in BC? As much as it pains me to say, it is a solid school.</p>
<p>yeah, i meant EA hah</p>
<p>A couple of things to keep in mind:</p>
<p>Make sure that if you are accepted at Penn ED, you will be happy with the decision--it is binding!! Do not apply unless you will attend because of ED acceptance. (I speak from experience--Son, who is now a freshman at ND would not apply to Penn ED. He was a legacy, great grades, scores, ECs, etc. GC told him he would likely be admitted because of legacy ED, but Penn was just not his first choice. He did not want to be binded to a school that was not his first choice!)</p>
<p>Second, being Catholic or not should not influence your decision. Son has not been raised Catholic, even though his father is. He has found since being at ND that the religion aspect is not an issue. No one is leaning on him about not being Catholic. Don't let it bother you in making a decision to apply!</p>
<p>Good Juck!</p>
<p>I've applied Early Action as well.</p>
<p>My stats:</p>
<p>ACT: 32
Class Rank: 1
Essay: Decent
Extracurriculars: Good
No Legacy</p>
<p>Good luck to everyone who plans on applying!</p>
<p>When will u EA people learn that youve been accepted/differed/ The R word</p>
<p>December 19.</p>
<p>72 days to go...</p>
<p>Well good luck everyone!!</p>
<p>Thanks man. Good luck to you next year!</p>
<p>Good luck to you all... i wish i was that brave!</p>
<p>wow thats pretty late</p>
<p>Thanks.....You know I'll need it!! lolzzz</p>
<p>I applied for EA on Tuesday...there's nothing left that we can do now...i feel so helpless and pitiful haha. good luck to everyone else who applied (as long as you don't take my spot!!) jk</p>
<p>Don't forget the power of prayer. You have done all that you can do, but pray that you will realize that God has a plan for you and that it may or not be to be at ND next year.</p>
<p>Good luck and I will keep all those who want to attend ND next year in my thoughts and prayers.</p>