Early Action Notification Date

<p>Has anyone heard back yet? Does anyone know when the letters should be comming? I applied the day before the deadline but got the “application submitted” email the same time as everyone else. Will my letter most likely comes towards the middle of january as opposed to the comming week?></p>

<p>from what other posters are saying - it seems like the EARLIEST anyone will hear about EA admission is the beginning of the second week in January, but I have a feeling most of the applicants will hear on or quite near the January 15 deadline. If my son is accepted, he will be choosing between Binghamton and Rutgers and will visit both again. He heard from Rutgers so long ago that the wait for Binghamton feels never ending!</p>

<p>My Son is a freshman at Binghamton. Last year he was able to log in to the Pay your deposit page around the 15th of January and his official acceptance letter came by the 20th. With the delays around Hurricane Sandy, I doubt you will hear any earlier then that. If you try to log on and you are able to get to the page where it says you can pay your deposit and it specifies the Fall 2013 term, then that is a good indication that you were accepted.</p>

<p>Interestingly enough, we received our EA acceptance to SUNY Albany in yesterday’s mail. Hope to hear from Binghamton soon.</p>

<p>I see that the Binghamton Status Checker is down. Is that because they are loading notification information for each applicant. I sure hope so! These last few days of waiting are difficult – don’t you think?</p>

<p>I just checked too. Status checker is down. I have knots in my stomach I’m so nervous! I really hope I get in or at least deferred to the regular admission pool.</p>

<p>I can’t tell if that’s for admissions decisions or just grades for Binghamton students</p>

<p>Or both…</p>

<p>Oh true I didn’t even think of that</p>

<p>sweet jesus I’m getting more and more anxious each day</p>

<p>Can’t get into the status checker either, really hope decisions come soon!</p>

<p>It’s working now. I don’t see anything different</p>

<p>Mine didn’t work when I first tried to log in, but the second time I tried logging in, it did. Same here, nothing’s different. So nervous! Binghamton is probably my top choice! I don’t think I can wait another week. Hopefully we won’t have to. Good luck to all!!</p>

<p>Did anyone try logging into the pay your deposit page!? I can log in but, when I click on pay now it’s only giving me the option to pay for spring 2013 in the scroll down box.</p>

<p>I think for Falll 2013, there will be some delays EA or not.</p>

<p>hopefullycolgate - I must be blind, where is that?</p>

<p>@hopefullycolgate I have no idea, but it probably means that’s what you got accepted into. </p>

<p>I tried logging on, and it still won’t let me! Could I have been deferred/rejected?</p>

<p>@Kat2013 <a href=“https://secure.binghamton.edu/newadmit/loginform.jsp[/url]”>https://secure.binghamton.edu/newadmit/loginform.jsp&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>@ccftmgn0001 - thank you. I tried logging in too & received this message -</p>

<p>YOU ARE NOT ELIGIBLE TO PAY ANY CURRENT ADMISSION DEPOSITS. This page is for new applicants who wish to pay their enrollment deposit.</p>

<p>Maybe they just haven’t made all their decisions yet…</p>

<p>My son applied RD last year and got accepted around January 20th. It was definitely before President’s Day weekend because we went up then as an accepted student.</p>