Early Action Results Thread

<p>Hey guys, </p>

<p>I know we usually don't have one of these for Caltech, but I think we should this year since its now less than 24 hours until some of the applicants will be seeing their results.
If you’ve looked at other decisions threads, you know the drill- erase all the spaces in the brackets, and fill in the form to the best of your ability, even if the result wasn’t what you were hoping for. Keep in mind that you filling this out now will greatly help next year’s applicants.</p>

<p>Best of luck to all. Just remember, it will all work out. :)</p>

<p>[ size=+1][ color=green][ b]Accepted[ /b][ /color][ /size]</p>

<p>[ size=+1][ color=red][ b]Rejected[ /b][ /color][ /size]</p>

<p>[ size=+1][ color=blue][ b]Deferred[ /b][ /color][ /size]</p>

<p>[ b]Stats:[ /b][ list]
[ *]SAT:
[ *]SAT II:
[ *]ACT:
[ *]GPA:
[ *]Rank:
[ *]Other Tests (AMC, AP, IB):
[ /list]
[ b]Subjective[ /b][ list]
[ *]Essays:
[ *]Teacher Recs:
[ *]Counselor Rec:
[ *]Supplementary Material:
[ *]Hook(recruited athlete, legacy, Nobel Prize): [ /list]
[ b]Personal[ /b][ list]
[ *]Location:
[ *]High School Type:
[ *]Ethnicity:
[ *]Gender
[ *]Applied for Financial Aid: Y/N[ /list]
[ b]Other[ /b][ list]
[ *]Extracurriculars:
[ *]Awards:
[ *]Advice? Commiserations? Feel like bragging?:[ /list]</p>

<p>As an example:


<pre><code>* SAT: 600 (200x3)
* SAT II: I was supposed to take these?
* ACT: N/A
* GPA: 3.14159
* Rank: N/A
* Other Tests (AMC, AP, IB): I got a (-1) on AP Art Studio. That’s unique, right?


<pre><code>* Essays: I wrote them in blood.
* Teacher Recs: I decided I didn’t need them.
* Counselor Rec: Do I know this person?
* Supplementary Material: An art portfolio titled “Stick figures on a blank landscape”
* Hook(recruited athlete, legacy, Nobel Prize): Recruited for underwater basket weaving.


<pre><code>* Location: Middleofnowhere, Alaska
* High School Type: Inner-city public
* Ethnicity: African American / Pacific Islander / Native American
* Gender: Not Applicable
* Applied for Financial Aid:


<pre><code>* Extracurriculars:
* Awards:
* Advice? Commiserations? Feel like bragging?: Screw this, I’m going to Community College.

<p>wouldn’t it be more helpful for us to post our stats, then have them guess, and then tell them if they got it right or not. I mean, usually we just guess and guess and guess, but maybe that’ll help them learn from their guessing.</p>

<p>On second thought, maybe i’ll just post my decision.</p>

<p>I wouldn’t want to guess…what if i’m wrong? and that would be bad no matter how i guess!</p>

<p>No one got a letter from Caltech?</p>

<p>Not today; it seems the letter have not reached even LA yet.</p>


[<em>]SAT: 2330
[</em>]SAT II: 2380
[<em>]GPA: 4.32
[</em>]Rank: 1
[<em>]Other Tests (AMC, AP, IB): Chem (4), Calc BC (5/5), Bio (4), Eng Lang (4), USH (5), Euro (5)
Physics, Stat, Macroecon, US Gov, Eng Lit, Music Theory
[</em>]Hook(recruited athlete, legacy, Nobel Prize): None[/ul]
[<em>]Location: Los Angeles, CA
[</em>]High School Type: Public
[<em>]Ethnicity: White
[</em>]Gender: M
[<em>]Applied for Financial Aid: Yes[/ul]Other[ul]
[</em>]Extracurriculars: Math Club (2years), Science Bowl (2years), AcaDeca (2years), Music (4years), Chess Club (4years)
[li]Awards: NMSF, History Day Winner (LA County), Forgot the third[/li][/ul]</p>

<p>^ holy crap if u got deferred with those stats, i am scared.</p>

<p>omg… …</p>


<p>how did the envelope look?</p>


[<em>]SAT: 2110
[</em>]SAT II:800(Math) 800(Physics)
[<em>]ACT: 32
[</em>]GPA: 4.25
[<em>]Rank: 11
[</em>]Other Tests (AMC, AP, IB): CompSciAB(3), Bio(4), English Lang(4), World(5), US Hist(5), Physics C:Mech(5), Physics C: E&M(5), CalcAB(5)

[<em>]Essays: About piano and why I like science
[</em>]Teacher Recs: 3 (One from Caltech alumnus, one from physics teacher, one from history teacher)
[<em>]Counselor Rec: Barely know her.
[</em>]Supplementary Material: CD recording, and DVD of a lecture I gave.
[<em>]Hook(recruited athlete, legacy, Nobel Prize): Academic Decathlon (3 years), attend lectures all over [/ul]
[</em>]Location: Los Angeles
[<em>]High School Type: Public Magnet
[</em>]Ethnicity: White
[<em>]Gender: Male
[</em>]Applied for Financial Aid: Y[/ul]</p>

[<em>]Extracurriculars: Pres of school astronomy club, attend an outside astronomy club, lectures all-around, volunteered with linux work at UCLA, part of the Ubuntu-california local community team, piano (9 years. 4 w/ Orchestra)
[</em>]Awards: 1st place Alliance for Science essay winner 2006
[*]Advice? Commiserations? Feel like bragging?: Just do what you love to do. If you get in, great! And keep doing it. If you don’t get in, get over it and keep doing it. Don’t do stuff JUST to get into Caltech. At least, that’s what I did.[/ul]</p>

[<em>]SAT: 2330, superscored
[</em>]SAT II: 800 phys, chem, math 2c
[<em>]ACT: n/a
[</em>]GPA: >4.0 weighted, 3.9 unweighted
[<em>]Rank: not ranked
[</em>]Other Tests (AMC, AP, IB): AMC 12: 108.5, AIME: 3, 7 APs (all 5s)
[<em>]Essays: pretty good (I wrote about bad math puns for the humor essay)
[</em>]Teacher Recs: haven’t seen these, probably good to very good
[<em>]Counselor Rec: haven’t seen this either
[</em>]Supplementary Material: a very strong article on summer activities
[<em>]Hook(recruited athlete, legacy, Nobel Prize): 2 years of summer math programs and an international competition[/ul]
[</em>]Location: Southern California
[<em>]High School Type: private
[</em>]Ethnicity: white
[<em>]Gender: F
[</em>]Applied for Financial Aid: no[/ul]
[<em>]Extracurriculars: the usual (math club, Science Bowl, robotics, choir)
[</em>]Awards: an award from the international competition above, and some others (nationally and regionally)
[*]Advice? Commiserations? Feel like bragging?: It is in fact possible to get in with a 730 on the math SAT 1.[/ul]</p>

<p>were the envelopes big or regular sized?</p>

<p>so what does the package look like ? ? ?</p>

<p>What does it look like?</p>

<p>The acceptance came by US mail in a 9 by 12 or so envelope - silver with a big vertical orange stripe saying California Institute of Technology. Inside is a silver folder with an orange stripe saying Welcome to Caltech.</p>


[<em>]SAT: 2260
[</em>]SAT II: Physics 800 Math IIC 800 Korean 800 US 740 Chem 710
[</em>]GPA: 4.37
[<em>]Rank: N/A
[</em>]Other Tests (AMC, AP, IB): AMC12 106.5 AIME 4 AP: Calc AB(self-studied sophomore), Calc BC, Physics B, Physics C: E&M, Physics C: Mechanics(self-studied physics Cs junior), Euro, US, Chem all 5
[<em>]Essays: Thought was really good
[</em>]Teacher Recs: One from history teacher who said it should be good and another from physics teacher who said it to be excellent
[<em>]Counselor Rec: Should be good
[</em>]Supplementary Material:N/A
[<em>]Hook(recruited athlete, legacy, Nobel Prize): N/A
[</em>]Location: Southern California
[<em>]High School Type: Public
[</em>]Ethnicity: Asian
[<em>]Gender Male
[</em>]Applied for Financial Aid: Y[/ul]Other[ul]</p>

<p>[<em>]Extracurriculars: Math Club(3 yrs), Physics Club(creator), Med Club(2yrs), UCI Medical Center Jr. Volunteer(3yrs) Library volunteer(1yr)
[</em>]Awards: AP National Scholar, Physics Bowl Top Scorer, USAMTS, Korean National Math Competition 3rd Place National, KNMC Regional Winner 1st & 2nd (10th&11th)[/ul]</p>

<p>I got my deferred letter in a normal white envelope. It seems slightly bigger than normal because there is an application update page included. You could tell before opening that there was a paper with black border inside.</p>

<p>@cactaur: do you go to LACES? (I don’t - just wondering)</p>


[<em>]SAT: 2310 (Math: 800, CR: 710, W: 800)
[</em>]SAT II: 800 MathII, 790 Phys
[<em>]GPA: 4.00 UW
[</em>]Rank: 1
[<em>]Other Tests (AMC, AP, IB): 5 calc bc, 5 physics b, 4 us history, 4 english language
[</em>]Essays: not so hot
[<em>]Teacher Recs: decent?
[</em>]Counselor Rec: same
[<em>]Supplementary Material: none
[</em>]Hook(recruited athlete, legacy, Nobel Prize): None
[/ul]**Personal ** [ul]</p>

<p>[<em>]Location: close to Caltech
[</em>]High School Type: Public
[<em>]Ethnicity: Indian
[</em>]Gender: Male
[<em>]Extracurriculars: Varsity Basketball, a few clubs, volunteering, recent lab work
[</em>]Awards: AP scholar w/honor, national merit commended [/ul]</p>

<p>im so thankful i got lucky!</p>

=] im stoked :)</p>


<p>It is in fact possible to get in with a 710 on the math SAT 1 :P</p>

<p>ugh. lucky you guys in California. I"m ALL the way over there in CT = mail until friday or saturday or beyond. I"m scared already…esp for this asian girl.lol. I mean, you guys prolly have better stats than i do!..and note that that korean dude had a really good stats yet he was rejected…</p>

<p>@ stueydue: I noticed that I exaclty have the same awards as you listed. I have no academic awards at all…nor entered any competition…and I think that might just hurt me in the application. dunnoo?..</p>