Early Action Results?

When are we supposed to find out about Early Action? #class2023

Early Action decisions are supposed to come out February 22nd.

Hopefully we will see by Feb. 15th - I would think they would beat their deadline since it seems they padded it a bit being new to Early Action game.

ED came out 1 day early. Hoping we hear before February 21st!

Do we find out the decision through mail or online?

Online by this Friday

Acceptance packets go out then as well

If things go true to form like prior years, you can expect that the acceptance portal may crash from too many logins to check results, and it could be several weeks before your hard copy letter arrives in the mail. Hard copies were not mailed on the date of announced results last year.

Good luck to everyone waiting to hear!

How does one access “acceptance portal”? My son didn’t get any information from VT (login, site address)

genesmasher He needs to request an invite to create a guest account. I’m guessing you could make this happen quicker by calling and requesting one. His original email from VT inviting him to create a guest account should have come within a few days of the email stating they had received his application. It may have gone to his junk mail folder.

@genesmasher The portal is the student’s guest account page, and as @Gottwins mentions above your son should have received an email invite to setup guest access. I’m pretty sure last year applicants got an email prompting them to check their guest account for results. My son was an RD applicant, and I’m pretty sure those came out right at 5:00 PM on decision day last year. ED results were posted a few hours early last year but I don’t think the email prompt went out until close of business (one of my son’s friends logged in just to see if they had been posted and they were there a little early).

So this Friday you will probably hear of a ton of kids logging in all afternoon to see if anything’s up early. Then the deluge will hit later on. Don’t be surprised if you have to check back a few times due to site overload. Good luck!

Hmm. After he submitted his application via Coalition (mid-October), the only email he received was the one acknowledging that his application is complete and under review - the email arrived on Jan 4. I guess he will need to contact admissions again to set up his guest account…

@Gottwins Is the link in the email personalized (contains some kind of unique identifier)? If not, could you post it?

You may try to reset your password at https://banweb.banner.vt.edu/ssb/prod/gzbkwbis.P_WWWLogin the user id would be your email id that you provided with your application.

Not sure if this would work if you haven’t created the account thru their invite. Did you check the spam folders ? Subject of the email would have been “Virginia Tech Guest Account Invitation”

Or you can contact the admissions over the phone and request them if they can resend the “Guest Account Invitation”

The email is titled

Virginia tech application status page

It came from addmissions@vt.edu

Within week of submitting application

Nah, could not locate the email. Doesn’t matter, as the links in the email are only working 48 hrs, as far as I understand. We already sent an email to admissions asking for a new invite. Hopefully will get it tomorrow. Thanks guys