Early Action UM 2023- what are the chances?

Continuing the discussion from [UMich Ann Arbor Early Action Fall 2023]

Ok, unweighted 4.0. Weighted getting close to 6.0. 1 more semester to go to get all A’s for HS career- rigorous public high school. 1480 Sat. No sports. Good essays, super broad based (almost equal in math and English on SAT), and plays guitar. What are the chances??

In state or out of state?

What is the high school’s track record with Michigan?

Where is the student ranked in the class?

How does the student’s rigor compare to classmates who may also have applied?

Getting all As is great but if your school is rigorous that will stand out. But… What else you got. Ecs, interests,. How did you separate yourself out in your essays? Are you active in clubs /activities? Grades and rigor are looked at very seriously at Michigan. How do you compare to those that got accepted to Michigan in previous years? With 55,000 EA acceptances it’s hard. Good luck.