<p>I'm a junior and a straight A Student. I messed up big time freshman year and I've been kind of uneasy about where I should apply ever since. I'm just now going to be a junior and I'm not going to take anything less than Straight A's. </p>

<p>Ethnicity: Pakistani/South Asian
Sex: F
Grade: 11</p>

<p>Freshman Year GPA 3.125
Sophomore Year GPA 4.14
1 AP: European History, don't know my score yet and have no idea what I'll get (I was the top student though, but I'm uneasy about it)
Junior year Projected GPA 4.85
4 AP's APUSH, AP Bio, AP Psych, AP Eng
4 Self-Study: AP Macro, AP Micro, AP Wrld Hist, AP Human Geo
Senior Year Projected GPA 5.0
Full Load, don't have a final but def. all AP's and 2 self-study</p>

<p>UW: 3.8
W: 4.3</p>

<p>I might re-do some Fresh. classes to bring the 3.125 up to a 3.3, think it's worth it?</p>

Haven't taken it but my most recent "mock SAT" (last year's SAT) came out with a 2170</p>

<p>SAT II's
Bio, Math I, and Chemistry are all 800's</p>

Founder and President of Muslim Student Association HS Chapter, we've been to three conferences (10-ongoing)
Model United Nations (Won five debates and got most diligent debater award (10-ongoing)
Varsity Tennis, ranked 2 in Club and 1 in School (9-ongoing)
Science Club President, Done three live dissections at two different universities
Math League Treasurer
Academic Team 1st Captain (Northern State Champions)
450+ Hours at Hospital
National Honor Society
Founder and President of Robotics (we've won 2 competetions)
Save Darfur Organization, Vice-president
National Health Care Organization, President and founder (We've met with many politicians, Tim Kaine!)</p>

Presidential award for Academic Excellence 7,10
Chemistry Life championship tests semi-finalist
Academic Governor's School</p>

3 published articles in Neurochemistry Journals
Numerous articles published in school paper
Tutor for Inner-city kids at a lowly funded school (200+ Hours devoted)
Ran a 10K for Breast Cancer last Year
Ran a 15 K for Artificial Kidney Research This year
I'm a first generation Pakistani-American </p>

<p>Prospected Colleges (in order)
*My intended major is neuroscience/biology</p>

John's Hopkins
U. of Chicago
U. of Miami

<p>And I know this is a bit early, but I just wanted to get some advice on it. Thanks!
Oh and if you want me to chance you, I definitely will</p>

<p>MIT- high reach for anyone, you’ve got a good shot depending on SATs
Harvard- high reach for anyone, you’ve got a decent-lower chance
Dartmouth- mid reach
Oxford- no clue, probably high reach
Yale- high reach for anyone, decent chance
Brown- low reach/high match
Duke- match
JHU- match
UofC- depends greatly on essays, it’s a better idea to save time and not bother. obv not first choice
UofM- no clue
UVA- low match/safety</p>

<p>hey, if you’re just about to be a junior then chances are really going to be messed up. also, junior year is tough-- i also aimed for straight As and came out with 2 B’s and a C. but there was some other stuff going on with that; still, just remember it’s easier to say than do. also, middle school awards won’t go on your app. </p>

<p>But here’s my chances. Take it with a grain of salt because I don’t know exactly how the whole admission process works. </p>

<p>M.I.T - high reach for anyone
Harvard - high reach for anyone
Dartmouth - reach
Oxford- high reach/international
Yale- high reach for anyone
Brown - reach
Duke- match
John’s Hopkins- match
U. of Chicago - agree with mr.g
U. of Miami - uhh safety
Cornell - match
UVA- in state? safety; out of state- match</p>

<p>Haha, I have met Tim Kaine too, breifly. Along with Robert McDonnel, ugh, Bill Bolling, double ugh, and Bill Mims. Yay Boy’s State!</p>

<p>Ohhh, I was under the impression you were already a junior. Hmm. This complicates things, because junior year is hella weird. Haha. Best thing to do is focus and stay on track. Work work work. Take the SATs in October so you at least have a baseline. Make sure you keep involved, blah blah blah. Just keep going on the path you’ve chosen and you’ll hopefully have a good shot!</p>

<p>It’s hard to tell now because you havent taken the SATs and your GPA will clearly change, however you seem to be doing great as of now and I think you have a decent chance of the schools you are looking at! Also, don’t worry about your freshman year GPA, it is evident that you have grown and excelled in academics and that will transcend in your application. Anyway, good luck in junior year!</p>

<p>I agree, i think it’s way too early for anyone to chance you. Junior year is a tough and stressful year for everyone, especially people looking to go to the high caliber schools like you are. I would suggest continuing with all yours ECss and showing commitment to them because that’s more important than showing a bunch of random ECs. Otherwise everything else looks good, but without your class rank/GPA and SAT scores it’s impossible to actually chance you.</p>

<p>M.I.T- High Reach
Harvard- High Reach
Dartmouth- Low Reach
Oxford-High Reach
Yale-High Reach
Brown- Low Reach
Duke- High Match
John’s Hopkins-Match
U. of Chicago-Low Match
U. of Miami-Match
Cornell-High Match
UVA-(don’t know what UVA stands for)- Match i guess</p>

<p>i def. wouldn’t say uva is a safety…</p>

<p>M.I.T - high reach
Harvard - high reach
Dartmouth - reach
Oxford- high reach
Yale- high reach
Brown - reach
Duke - high match
John’s Hopkins - match/high match
U. of Chicago - Depends too much on recs and essays
U. of Miami - safety
Cornell - low reach
UVA- match/high match</p>

<p>How the heck are you going to have time to take 4 ap’s (and earn A’s in them) and self study 4 other ap’s? Doing this, achieving a perfect gpa, and staying heavily involved in all of your extracurriculars will be nearly impossible (unless you have a time machine). However, I wish you the best of luck.</p>

<p>Your chances will be very dependent on your SAT scores. If you do well by CC standards (2200+), then you will be in good shape for most and in with a shot at HYM. If you do exceedingly well (2300+), you will have a good shot at all, and be in at most. Lower than 2200 and your chances lower, especially for HYM. However, SATs are only one part of the app.</p>

<p>Your GPA is good with an upward trend, and your SAT IIs are amazing. Maybe try to take Math II? And 800 on Math I gives a good indication of how you will do on the SAT I Math section–that’s a good sign. Do well on AP exams, etc, and you’re lookin’ good!</p>

<p>M.I.T- As people have said, its a reach for anyone
Harvard- " "
Dartmouth- Low Reach
Oxford- of emory?
Yale- same as first 2
Brown- Low Reach
Duke- low reach
John’s Hopkins-Match
U. of Chicago- maybe a slight reach/high match
U. of Miami- in
Cornell-High Match</p>

<p>depends on your SATs and essays</p>

<p>M.I.T-High Reach
Harvard-High Reach
Dartmouth-Mid/Reach Reach
Oxford-High Reach
Yale-High Reach
Brown-Mid Reach
Duke-Low Reach/High Match
John’s Hopkins-Low Reach/High Match
U. of Chicago-Low Reach/High Match
U. of Miami-I don’t know about the FL Public System
Cornell-Low Reach (Sorry, this is one of the worst undergrad institution in the Ivies)
UVA-I don’t know about the VA Public System</p>

<p>SAT is going to be a killer here, since so many ethnic South Asian (especially Indians) have high numerical statistics on their GPA and SATs. However, you have great extracurricular activities and SAT II scores, so best of luck to thee!</p>

<p><a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/746334-what-my-chances-these-liberal-arts-colleges-others.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/746334-what-my-chances-these-liberal-arts-colleges-others.html&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>This is another crazy thread. Duke as a match for a soph with one good year, one bad and a projected 2170? Do your homework kids.</p>

<p>M.I.T- A reach for anyone
Harvard- " "
Dartmouth- Low Reach
Oxford- reach
Yale- same as first 2
Brown- Low Reach
Duke- low reach
John’s Hopkins-Match
U. of Chicago- slight reach
U. of Miami- safety
Cornell-High Match</p>