<p>Guys.... I just got an email today that says that we get our decisons on thursday after 5 eastern time.. Look!!!!</p>
<p>Thank you for your Early Decision application to Columbia University. We are nearing the end of our application review and will soon notify candidates of our decisions.</p>
<p>You may receive your decision online. We plan to post all decisions here on Thursday, December 11, 2008, after 5:00pm (Eastern Time). You will receive a decision letter by conventional mail as well.</p>
<p>I am super excited and am going to die from the wait!!! We should all post our results on that day right after we get it. I hope we all get in (mainly me lol)</p>
<p>ahh, yeah I’m freaking out!!
I think we should start a brand new thread for results (and only results) and make it at like 4:59 pm on Thursday so that it won’t be so cluttered!</p>
<p>Here’s a template for the Results thread. I used the one from last years and added a few improvements. Whoever logs in first on the 11th should create the Results thread.</p>
<p>Remember, you have to delete the space immediately after the first bracket of each set of brackets for the formatting to work. So [ code] becomes
every time you see a bracket.</p>
<p>[ size=+1][ color=blue][ b]Decision: [ /b][ /color][ /size]</p>
<p>[ b]Stats:[ /b][ list]
[ *] SAT/ACT:
[ *] SAT IIs:
[ *] APs (or IBs):
[ *] GPA:
[ *] Rank:
[ *] Other stats:
[ /list][ b]Subjective:[ /b][ list]
[ *] Essays:
[ *] Teacher Recs:
[ *] Counselor Rec:
[ *] Hook (if any):
[ /list][ b]Location/Person:[ /b][ list]
[ *] State or Country:
[ *] School Type:
[ *] Class Size:
[ *] Ethnicity:
[ *] Gender:
[ /list][ b]Other Factors:[ /b]
[ *] ECs:
[ *] Volunteering:
[ *] Work experience:
[ *] Awards:
[ *] Summer activities:
[ /list][ b]General Comments:[ /b]</p>
<p>Ah, I meant you have to delete the space after the first bracket of each set of brackets. So every time you see a space after a bracket, delete it.</p>
<p>Stats:[ list]
[<em>] SAT/ACT: 2400/36
[</em>] SAT IIs:800 800 800 800
[<em>] APs (or IBs):5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
[</em>] GPA:4.97
[<em>] Rank:1st
[</em>] Other stats:Daughter of director of admissions
[/list]Subjective:[ list]
[<em>] Essays: published in a magazine
[</em>] Teacher Recs: best possible
[<em>] Counselor Rec: also counselor’s daughter (haha)
[</em>] Hook (if any): Native American (or some other URM that is very rare)
[/list][ b]Location/Person:**[ list]
[<em>] State or Country:Alaska
[</em>] School Type: Best kind?
[<em>] Class Size: 12000
[</em>] Ethnicity: 1/2 Native American 1/2 African American
[<em>] Gender: hermaphrodite
[/list][ b]Other Factors:[ /b]
[li] ECs: everything[/li][</em>] Volunteering:over 10,000 hours
[<em>] Work experience:held 3 jobs for 6 years
[</em>] Awards:National AP Scholar,National Merit Scholar, been to nationals in every varisty sport
[li] Summer activities: Camp at Columbia, [/li][/list]General Comments: This is obviously not real, just testing</p>
<p>i think the better question would be is there any ed applicant out there who is not freaking out right now? … If so what drug r u taking cause i need it badly lol</p>
<p>no im actually not really nervous…im kind of indifferent. i really really want to get into columbia, but i know that there’s another school for me that i’ll be happy at.</p>