Early decision vs Early acction vs Regular decision

Case : Applying to college A as ED (by Nov 1st)
Applying to college B Early Action (end Nov)
Applying to college C regular decision (early Dec).
Will the EA decision or RD be affected by the fact that I am applying to ED to college A, because according to common thoughts, B anc C are not my first choice. Should one wait to apply RD after getting the decisions for ED and EA ?

It won’t be impacted because you applied to college A ED, but it may be impacted because you didn’t apply ED to College B/C, if they had that option.

You’ll have to have the RD applications ready to go, i.e. don’t try to jam in doing all RD applications over the Christmas break. But there is no advantage to submitting before the deadline. And unless the application is free, you may be spending money unnecessarily.


Early action apps if permitted by ED college, from which you should get a decision in mid December. I’m assuming that the EA school is not your second choice, and in any event, that it won’t give you an answer before Jan 1. So you will have to have the RD’s near ready to go, then if you don’t get into the ED school, you’ll be finishing up the RDs over winter break.

Just make sure you adhere to any application deadlines for things like merit aid or consideration for honors colleges, if you are interested in these. Some colleges have earlier application deadlines (by December 1 or before) for consideration for these. If that is the case, submit your RD applications on time for these…and if you get accepted to your ED school, you will just need to withdraw any pending applications or acceptances.

Many public flagships (at least the ones popular on these forums) as well as several others don’t announce EA decisions until mid to late January, which is after the RD deadline for most schools.
So depending on where you apply EA, you might not be able to wait for decisions to come in before applying RD.

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There are schools that if you don’t apply EA to certain programs, you’re not getting in - like UMD or Purdue engineering. So keep that in mind if in consideration.

If a school offers ED, in most cases it’s your best odds.

B4 you ED, make sure it’s your top choice, that you can afford the school, and that your parents are willing to pay for what it costs (not all are, even if they can afford).


I think you are thinking about REA or SCEA. ED applicants cannot apply to any other binding early decision programs, but they can apply early action (as long as it’s not SCEA or REA), and regular decision to anyplace. They would just need to withdraw any pending applications if they are accepted to the ED school.

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Yeah you’re right. Ugh

Sorry just read your note. That’s what I had written :). But maybe only so I can understand. But I pulled it out.

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And with regard to UMD…the college accepts the vast majority of their incoming freshman class in the EA round…not just engineering.


Thx. And yes while we don’t know OPs consideration set this is the type of thing they should look at each school to see.

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Yes if the RD deadline is after the ED and EA notifications, and the RD school does not have an earlier deadline for scholarships or other programs of interest.

Also, if the RD school is really rolling admission, then it should be applied to as early as possible, since rolling admission schools or their popular majors may fill up early. That also applies if it is rolling for scholarships or other programs of interest.

If the RD school offers EA (without a restriction that conflicts with your ED or EA applications), then it is generally better to apply EA, for reasons similar to applying to rolling admission schools as early as possible.

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Only in few circumstances would I apply RD. I would apply to all your schools early if that is an option so RD or EA. As stated for some schools scholarships could be taken into account. To me it also shows early interest regardless what the website says.

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