I have child that is gifted both intellectually/academically as well as musically which is somewhat unusual, I’ve been told. She started her music studies at age 3 and is now doing college level music studies with a teacher at a well-known pre-college music program. She is 13 and is starting to thinking about music schools. Actually she’s been thinking about that for quite some time but I haven’t really explored that with her much to date as I believe childhood is a special time and children should be children as long as possible.
She is in advanced/gifted academic programs and does very well in those. She is not that interested in academics even though she does very well in all subjects. She does enjoy math and science. Her test scores are in the 99% consistently.
She is absolutely passionate about music and very talented. I am starting to think about having her graduate early (we homeschool) and with dual enrollment credits. Her age is certainly a consideration but we are starting to look at a plan that would have her done with high school around 15-16 and apply to music school at that age. She is very mature for her age, as homeschool kids often are.
I was hoping to find other parents here that have a similar child and are pursuing or have pursued a similar path for their child.
I’m not even 100% sure if the top music schools (she is looking at all the usual suspects) would accept an applicant that has graduated early? I know some prodigies have done that but she is not a prodigy.
If we were to do something like this, we would live in the same city as her music school wherever that ended up being. While she is mature, I am not sending my 16 year old kid to NYC or the equivalent on her own, lol.
Anyway, if any of this sounds familiar to you or if you have any wisdom to share on doing something like this, I’d love to hear from you and what you’re doing or how it all worked out.