Easier Math. Will this hurt?

<p>I started at my school by taking the hardest math class a freshman could take: MYP Algebra 2/ Trig. Then, my sophomore year my school let me take HL Math 1. I was supposed to take SL Math 2 this year (my junior year) and then do HL Math 2 my senior year. I didn't really like math, though, so I'm taking AP Statistics this year and will be taking SL Math Studies next year. Will taking Math Studies hurt my chances at competitive schools? I'm good at math, but I don't really enjoy it, so I'm taking easier classes. Even though they are still AP/IB classes, will colleges know that they are easier? My guidance counselor will say that I have taken the hardest classes possible regardless of my math class senior year, if that makes a difference.</p>

<p>If your conselor stated that you’ll have taken the most rigorous course load possible at your school then you’ve got nothing to worry about. Colleges care about the overall rigor of your classes, from that stand point they won’t look down at you for taking SL Maths studies. </p>

<p>Ok thank you!</p>

<p>Doubt it makes any difference. Your SAT/ACT score matters a ton…hope your guidance counselor mentioned that.</p>