IB maths?

<p>Currently I'm a freshman in Algebra 2H, and I'm doing pretty well (95 for the quarter)
I'm planning on doing IB math HL (2 year course at my school) and am wondering which math I should take next year. I have the option of AP stat or math analysis & trig, although I could take trig over the summer and do AP calc or something.
What's covered in IB math HL? I'm not really interested in doing things repetitively, so I'm trying to figure out what I could take so as to avoid doing things twice. Does IB Math HL cover the equivalent of AP calculus BC and beyond?
And also how does it affect college admissions/which courses I'll take in college?

<p>Okay so if you want to do well in HL Math, having a background in Pre-Calc, Calc, and Trig will strongly help you since it will be familiar. I took Stats a sophomore and can say I haven’t used any of what I had learned in that class. In our rubric we will eventually cover the stats basics apparently, but that’s about it. Please wait before you decide completely on HL Math because I suggest asking how hard it is. My school makes the Math teacher after your Junior year whether or not you can or should take HL Math and be successful. IDK if they do that at other schools, but I hope so. And HL Math takes Calc and goes deeper into it. And what are you thinking about majoring in, remember that you most likely will change your mind between now and in 2-3 years. If it’s heavily math based, then HL Math is better suited.</p>

<p>I haven’t decided completely on HL math but I’m planning on doing it, because I’m a math/science kind of person. At our school it’s a two year course so unfortunately a teacher doesn’t decide after junior year. So do you think, assuming I will take HL math junior year, that I should take math analysis & pre-calc rather than ap stat?</p>

<p>Yes, yes you should. You don’t want a year off the basics(Algebra) for stats. In the beginning it will be review and you’ll do better. Remember, to everyone on CC success equals lol, High Grades and Hard Classes :slight_smile: But if you’re a math/science person, taking HL Math will be better for you if you want to continue to study math and/or science in the future.</p>

<p>I take math hl and ap calc as a junior.</p>

<p>Math hl is significantly harder, but i find ap calc much more interesting,</p>

<p>that’s waht i mean, see?</p>

<p>The IB math in our school has a reputation for being easy. Does anybody want to help me figure out why? Our school is very competitive. My daughter seems to think that the honors pre-calc and AP calc is far more rigorous than IB, and the IB math teacher told my daughter that the class will be very easy for her. Why?? Of course when I ask the IB coordinator, who also teaches AP calc, she disagrees.</p>

<p>“I’m a friend IBinLux,
I take HL math as one of my IB classes. It is definitely my most challenging class I take. The workload is astonishing and the speed that we learn it is sometimes overwhelming. I highly advise students to take it though because it will prepare you for university if you want to study math or sciences. However, from experience, students who take HL math in the IB are very bored in their first two years of math class in university.”</p>

<p>From what I here from my friends who take HL math, it is a pretty difficult subject and should not be underestimated.</p>

<p>My school only offers SL math, not HL. My daughter is going to take the one year SL math class because she wants to take calc senior year. The SL math class is supposedly very easy. She is concerned that her math skills will slip because now she is in 11H . Her current math teacher also teaches the one year IB math and told my daughter it will be very easy and will not prepare her for AP calc. She should take regular calc senior year. The IB coordinator, who also teaches AP calc, disagrees and says the class is challenging and will definitely prepare her for AP calc. Not sure who to believe, and last night my daughter had a meltdown cause she does not know if she should do IB.</p>

<p>@twogirls I thought you were asking about HL math. I take SL math and I can say its not too challenging. The difference between SL and HL in math is extraordinary. Now I understand why people in your school say IB math is easy, they have not seen HL math. I would recommend that she takes SL math junior year and then an AP math class senior year.</p>

<p>With regards to her meltdown, I highly highly highly recommend that she do the IB. In AP, she will learn. In IB, she will learn how to learn. AP are separate classes with exams at the end of the year. IB is a 2 year long interdisciplinary program. In AP, you will gain knowledge. In IB, you will grow as a person.</p>

<p>I recommend that your daughter make a pros and cons list for AP vs IB.
Good luck</p>

<p>Thank you so much for being so helpful!!</p>