<p><em>sigh</em> Somethings wrong with the system when someone is taking an AP simply because it'll look good or raise their GPA. And the OP is obviously doing that, if he/she is asking about the easiest one. I don't blame the OP, though, as APs DO help people get into college. Which is exactly one of the problems. But then I guess a lot of people believe the system is messed up. It's just that no one (myself included) has really thought of a good solution.</p>
<p>Anyway, back on topic, the easiest AP depends on what you are good at and what you enjoy. It also depends on the class and the teacher.</p>
<p>The closest criterion for an AP to being 'easy' is being 'easy to study for'. That is, not necessarily to totally understand and get a 5, but the subjects with the ultrathin AP prep books like micro, macro, evirsci, psych are probably 'easier to self-study' than things like bio, ush, physics.</p>
<p>btw, not everyone spends two years to learn apush. I didn't know that actually happened.</p>
<p>i think AP Human Geography is one of the easiest. almost everyone had over a B both semesters and the class has a 98% passing rate. but then again, the teacher is great.</p>
<p>Calc AB/AP is also pretty easy. last year, 100% of the students passed with 84% getting 5's. but then again, we have awesome calc teachers.</p>
<p>so i guess how "hard" or "easy" an AP class may depend on the teacher.</p>
I suppose it just depends on what you're good at.
<p>That really is what it comes down to. For example, nickmanning214 said AP Music Theory was a joke. I know quite a few smart, musical people who thought it was one of the hardest AP tests they took.</p>
<p>Another way to look at the difficulty level is how much rote memorization is required. If you're good at math, Calculus AB is ridiculously easy because there's just so little to be memorized. The same goes for English Language. You really don't have to study anything if you're a good writer and know how to analyze a prompt/construct a response. The history and government APs, however, take a huge amount of memorization no matter how good you are at the humanities. </p>
<p>I'm not saying that anything is necessarily easier, because I think everybody so far who has said "it depends on the person," etc, is right. But some people might associate difficulty with the amount of material to be memorized, and some APs certainly require a lot more course specific knowledge than others.</p>