<p>Hi I need an easy freshman class to take that is either 3 or 4 credits. I need just something else that takes up distribution credits besides my other B-school pre-reqs. Any suggestions?</p>
<p>Stats 350 is fairly easy and will look good on your bschool app. But for the most part, taking super easy intro classes is going to make your courseload look less competitive than everyone else..so I suggest you don't do that</p>
<p>intro to probabality. that's quite an easy class.</p>
<p>"intro to probabality. that's quite an easy class."</p>
<p>Lies. So many kids come into the mathlab without a clue in that class.</p>
<p>if you have a suggestion why don't we hear it rather than shooting down others' suggestions?</p>
<p>Because I already gave suggestions within the week?</p>
<p>A really good class is Slavic 490 with Piotr Westwalewicz. Don't let the high number scare you.</p>
<p>Dilksy is usually pretty accurate in his advice, although he is sometimes prone to hyperbole.</p>
<p>For example, he once said to me, "It says something when every Honors math major could probably easily handle B-school, while probably not a single person from B-school could even attempt a math major." Fortunately, Dsmo is proving him wrong. He is making an A in Honors Calc 2 and a C in Econ 101. Dsmo applied as a pre-admit (with stats very similar to mine) and didn't get in. I believe Dsmo would get in if he applied and that he will pull out Econ. Dsmo, please apply! (See <a href="http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/showthread.php?t=259203%5B/url%5D">http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/showthread.php?t=259203</a> ) </p>
<p>By the way, Dilsky, I am doing okay in Honors Calc.. but it's the most difficult class I have, by far... and I'm holding you personally responsible for goading me into taking it and ruining my social life. ;) However, some of my fellow B-School pre-admits are doing well in Honors Calc 2 and are not spending near the time I am in Honors Calc I.</p>
<p>You probably didn't know the B-School cheer when you made the comment above. For the record, here's the B-School cheer: "Wall Street, Wall Street... We'll go far... cause we ain't as dumb as you think we is." I bet the Math Dept. doesn't even have a cheer!</p>
<p>Seriously, though, Dilsky gives good advice... and I certainly hope the Math Dept is tougher than the B-School or I'm in for a rough 3 years.</p>
<p>Well I can't really say anything personally about the difficulty of the math department with respect to those classes I'm not really sure if it's just poor teaching or some intentional effort to make the classes difficult that give the lower Calc classes their reputation. My high school calc teacher has a PhD in nuclear physics from U of M, and has all but at most 2 out of 60some students get 5's on Calc BC every year (and all but at most 2 on Physics C Mechanics). He even has kids in college come back to have him explain things to them for Calc III. So because of that, and my own aptitude for math, I've never really experienced the struggle with calculus. But since I spend a few hours a week tutoring people in all sorts of math classes, I can pull some kind of info from that. Math 425 doesn't look like the kind of thing that would be an "easy" class to anybody other than those who are already very adept with mathematics, or maybe just specifically probability/combinatorics.</p>
<p>There's a vast difference in perception of the math department if you're looking at it, say, as somebody from a different field doing Calc I-III for requirements and if you're looking at it from the perspective of a math major taking Analysis, Topology, etc. I'd like to use a metaphor from Pulp Fiction, but the first part is slightly inappropiate. Needless to say, it's not the same ballpark, it ain't even the same f'ing sport =P.</p>
<p>As for another random distribution class, there's a class about Sociology of Sports (under sociology, forget the number). I think it'd be a good class if you like sports, it helps you see sports in the larger frame of culture and analyze why it maintains popularity and stuff like that. American Humor if you can find an upperclassmen to reserve a spot for you (it filled up quick last year). Like I said before, anything Amcult/lower level Astronomy/Geosci, though those carry the risk of looking too much like blowoffs.</p>
<p>I'm not getting a C in Econ because I don't understand it. I'm getting a C in Econ because I am retarded.</p>
<p>dsmo, I'm sure it's your teacher who's retarded. ;) </p>
<p>Seriously, I've seen your posts and your stats, and you are undoubtedly a very intelligent person.</p>
<p>way to suck up ;]</p>