<p>Hello, I am an Econ major with an intended career in business after graduation. I am planning for classes next fall and I would like to know if there are any disadvantages to taking Econ 136 instead of UGBA 103. By taking Econ 136 instead of UGBA 103, I would get a better class time, a better professor, and the ability to take another UGBA upper-div instead. However, I am concerned about whether I would be able to get into the UGBA classes that have 103 as a prerequisite (like UGBA 133 investments) Would I be at risk of being dropped from such classes? Also, does Econ 136 cover the necessary finance knowledge for a career in business, or is it too "economics-based?" Thanks.</p>
<p>bump i’m interested as well</p>
<p>I took BA 103 with Jonathan Berk in Fall '07. (Although he won’t be teaching next fall, you’ll probably be using his textbook.) The class was divided into four units, with an exam after each:
- Time Value of Money - Net Present Value, Interest Rates, Bond Valuation
- Portfolio Theory - CAPM, Markowitz
- Derivatives/Options - Option pricing, Black-Scholes, Binomial trees
- Capital Budgeting - Modigliani-Miller, Leverage</p>
<p>The UGBA prerequisites are NOT enforced: I took 103 without having completed 101B, or even Econ 1, which I’m taking right now, believe it or not. I waitlisted BA 133 last fall, but couldn’t get into the class due to enrollment restrictions–and this may prove to be difficult if you’re not a Haas student. However, judging from the first three weeks of 133, you’d definitely want to have mastered the material from 103 or its equivalent.</p>
<p>Judging from the Fa08 Ec136 [url=<a href=“http://www.econ.berkeley.edu/~szeidl/ec136/ec136index.htm]website[/url”>http://www.econ.berkeley.edu/~szeidl/ec136/ec136index.htm]website[/url</a>], it appears that the econ department’s version of the course is slightly more in depth than the UGBA version, and the math is more difficult. The grading distributions look comparable, too. If I were you, I’d go for it.</p>
<p>Thanks for the reply student. While it’s probably true that normal class prerequisites are not enforced, UGBA 133 has a note that says: </p>
<p>All students must put themselves on the wait list. Students must have UGBA 103 completed or in progress for Spring or Summer 2009.</p>
<p>I think this is the only UGBA class that has this note, so does that mean it IS enforced? Also, can you give more details on your attempt to enroll in UGBA 133 or other UGBA classes? I assume you’re not a Haas student. Do you phase I your desired UGBA classes and do you get them? I will be a junior econ major next fall and I am interested in taking several UGBA classes in the next 2 years. Thanks.</p>