<p>How is ST. Mary's econ department compared to other schools. Atm i am accepted to American, Ursinus, Drew, and St. Mary's. Any comparisons, opinions or experiences that will help me choose the best school for an econ major.</p>
<p>If it helps, St Mary's gave my 8,000 in grant money, Ursinus gave me 26,000, Drew gave me 17,000, and American gave me loans.</p>
<p>Also, how does St. Mary's do in getting kids into PhD programs and business schools.</p>
<p>i can’t help with info on the econ dept. but, i’m choosing smcm for next year over uva and w&m partially for their grad school prep. They really concentrate on getting kids into good grad school programs. According to their website they have 90% acceptance, and when i visited they were talking about meetings and groups solely about applying to graduate school.</p>
<p>yeah - cara’s right! smcm sends tons of people to grad schools and econ is one of the most popular majors on campus. nice job on all that grant money! Good luck on figuring it all out!</p>
<p>Cara - i was told we would get at least $7500 for Nitze - I hope we get more - it would make it SUPER SWEET! so have you convinced the rents about SMCM? PS I am spending way too much time on college confidential - im totally addicted and will be until i’ve heard from everyone - when do you hear from W&M and UVA??</p>