Economics major for a prospective businessman

<p>Hello! I have St. Mary's on my shortlist of colleges which I would like to attend, but at this point it is looking like a financial reach.</p>

<p>However, I have a question. I noticed that St. Mary's does not have a business administration major, which I can't say was completely unexpected, as I know many if not most LACs don't have one. However, I would like to know if the classes listed under the "business concentration" in the economics dept. are good enough to adequately prepare me for a management position and possibly an MBA.</p>

<p>Secondarily, are there any classes offered that focus on entrepreneurship?</p>

<p>Thanks in advance!</p>

<p>raphifix, I can’t comment on your questions. But I can empathize about the financial reach part! Applying as an OOS student, costs are way up there for us. My d’s first acceptance (to another private LAC) resulted in a merit aid offer which actually puts it below St Mary’s in cost. I think she would prefer St Mary’s, but final cost may be the determining factor for my family.</p>

<p>Tough times, these are!</p>

<p>I agree! I might end up at UGA if I get into the honors program.</p>

<p>Does anyone else have any thoughts?</p>