<p>Hi, all. I am an econ major looking to transfer for Fall '13 and I just got a C- on a macroeconomics exam. I am confident that if I work hard, I will be able to at least achieve a B in the class and MAYBE a low A, but I am concerned that it will be an issue. </p>
<p>Major: Economics (concentration in Accounting or CIS)
GPA: 4.0 as of now, maybe a 3.7-3.9 by fall semester, depending on my macro final grade and how classes go this summer.
I am applying to: Cal Poly SLO, UCLA, UCSB (TAG), and probably CSUF.
EC's: Phi Theta Kappa member, business club member, adult literacy tutor. I was student body president my senior year of HS, and have worked with food banks and holiday gift drives. </p>
<p>I get to the top of my calculus class, and at the same time get a C- in macro?? Really? Is this worth freaking out about? Thanks guys.</p>
<p>No im an Econ major and got a B in Macro. Got into SDSU, SFSU, and UCSB so far. Still waiting on others. Just keep your GPA as high as possible. Most schools admit you to the Pre-Major anyway so don’t stress.</p>
<p>UCLA and CAL econ is very competitive. But you can get into SLO, SB, and CSUF with those grades.</p>
<p>Thanks for the replies. Berkeley is out of the picture now (I don’t want to move so far from home quite yet), but is one B going to screw me completely for UCLA? I feel like UCSB and SLO would both be great choices for me, and I don’t even know if I’d like living in LA. But UCLA would be a great opportunity to at least have. </p>
<p>I am doing very well on research projects for macro, but the basis of this course is much less structured than micro and that is throwing me off. Generalized anxiety doesn’t help either.</p>
<p>But thanks very much for making me feel better at least about UCSB. It has a really good econ department from what I hear, and living near the beach would be fantastic.</p>
<p>yeah i was nervous when i got my B but it worked out. Just stay positive</p>
<p>Thanks man! I appreciate it.
Good luck in making your transfer decision!</p>
<p>For UCLA, the Math / Economics major is typically less selective than the other Economics majors. If you like math, consider the Math / Economics major when applying to UCLA. Note that if you want to go to graduate school in economics, taking a lot of math courses is generally necessary.</p>
<p>Average admitted transfer student GPA for fall 2011:</p>
<p>Business Economics, Pre: 3.93
Economics, Pre: 3.91
Math / Economics: 3.70</p>
<p>[Profile</a> of Admitted Transfer Students by Major, Fall 2011 - UCLA Undergraduate Admissions](<a href=“http://www.admissions.ucla.edu/prospect/Adm_tr/Tr_Prof11_mjr.htm]Profile”>http://www.admissions.ucla.edu/prospect/Adm_tr/Tr_Prof11_mjr.htm)</p>
<p>@ucbalumnus, thanks for the link! It’s very useful. </p>
<p>I have discovered a niche with math and I have considered the math/economics major. I have to decide whether or not that option is worth giving up other options. Thanks for the extra information!</p>