<p>I am going to be an economics major and i was wondering what courses i needed to fulfill to declare the major. I know i have to take one year of calc (i.e. Math 16 A/B), one stats course (i.e. Stats 20), and either the 100 or 101 Econ series, however do i have to take Econ 1 or 2? I have also heard that i have to take an upper-division econ course, is that true? </p>
<p>Can any of you econ majors help me out with which courses to take and when to take them? I have my CalSo pretty soon and i really need help with what courses to schedule. </p>
<p>Also, how would the difficulty of the econ major compare with that of the MCB major?</p>
<p>-Economics (1 or 2)
-1 Math A-B series (16A or 1A, 16B or 1B)
-Stats (20, 21, 25 or any upper div)
-and choose one of these upper div econ courses (100A, 101A, 100B, 101B)</p>
<p>You can skip out of the Math series if you got a 5 on the AP Calc BC (or skip out on the first semester for AB or got a 4 on the BC). While Stat20 is marginally the easiest of the three suggested stat courses, I would suggest Stat21 because it's more useful, you often get better professors, and it couldn't hurt to mingle with the Haas-titutes (I say in jest, of course).</p>
<p>The difference between the Econ100 and Econ101 series is threefold. First, 100 has much larger class sizes, which is a negative. Secondly, the 100 professors are generally inferior to those teaching 101, which is another negative. Lastly, and perhaps most importantly, 100 doesn't have nearly as much gunkity-gunk math, which is a big positive (unless you get off on Legrangian formulae). My advice? Unless you really like math, take 100, and take macro (100B or 101B) first. For most people, it's easier, which helps your GPA, which helps you get into the major. :-D</p>
<p>For your first semester, however, I suggest taking Econ1 or 2 and a math course (if you have to take math courses). That'll take care of your Phase I TeleBears (CalSO). Add an elective, maybe a breadth/RnC/AC course, and a pre-req for any other major/minors you might be interested in later on. I think that's a good schedule for your first time on campus.</p>
<p>Thanks Law...The advice is really helpful. I have one other question: as an econ major, could you tell me which courses i should take first and second semester of freshman year and when most people apply for the econ major? By the way, shoul i believe the rumors of how hard the econ major is? How hard is it to pull off a 3.5+? Thank You.</p>
<p>I just posted the last post without seeing what you wrote pookdogg...thank you very much. For my first semester, you said that i should take Econ 1 or 2...which one do you think is easier? By the way, why do you think that Stats 21 is more helpful? Thanks for all the advice.</p>
<p>No matter whichever series you decide to take (100 or 101), I second the notion to take the B before the A. I didn't know that doing this was possible before it was too late and I feel I would have had an easier time getting into the Econ major if I had gone this route.</p>
<p>I only took Econ1, but from what my friends tell me, Econ2 is pretty much the same in terms of difficulty and material, it's just more lecture instead of GSI small-group stuff. It's whatever you learn best with, but remember that a lot of Econ1 stuff is critically important to understanding more advanced econ concepts later on, so choose wisely.</p>
<p>Maybe it's because I had a miserable Stat20 professor, but I feel that the Stat21 folks had a slightly easier time, and they learned more stuff that's relevant not only to economics but also to any business endeavors you might want to embark upon later on.</p>
<p>Getting a 3.5+ in anything at Berkeley is a remarkable acheivement, and the econ major is no exception. A general slide rule that many people quote is that an A at your high school (and many other universities, for that matter) slides down to a B+ or so here at Berkeley. That being said, it is definitely possible to get very high marks on your econ grades, but you must really be on top of things. Since it's a pretty popular major, try getting notes/help from people who have taken the courses already. That saved my butt for the 101 series.</p>
<p>Hey pookdogg could you give me some advice?</p>
<p>I'm an admitted transfer for Fall 06. I really want to take the 101 series. However, at my college I only took Calculus 1&2 because I didn't realize that Cal had more quantitative Econ classes that require higher math. So now my problem is figuring out how to finish the 101 series as soon as possible (because the 100/101 series is the foundation for other upper division courses).</p>
<p>Here's what I had planned:</p>
<p>Take Econ 100A in my first semester (Required for admittance into the major)
In addition take Math 53 & Math 54</p>
<p>Take Econ 101A and 101B concurrently in my second semester</p>
<p>Does this sound reasonable? The CalSO Econ adviser (I really didn't like her btw) thought that it would be a waste of time to take 101A after 100A since I wouldn't get any credit for it. Also, 101A is listed as a prereq for 101B, but do you know if 101B really builds on 101A?</p>
<p>Like I stated earlier, I highly recommend taking macro (100B or 101B) before micro (100A or 101A). To that end, I suggest you take 101B your first semester. Not only is it a good class, but you can easily do well in macro without Math53 knowledge. If you concurrently take Math53 in the fall with Econ101B, then you should be in great shape for Econ101A in the spring. Your CalSO adviser is correct in discouraging you from taking 100A then 101A afterwards; take those extra four units and take something fun.</p>
<p>Just to toss it out there: outside of Stat20, I haven't taken a single math class since AP Calc BC in high school. Despite the lack in mathematical acumen, I still did very well in Econ101B. I took Econ101A the following semester and if it weren't for very well-organized notes from a friend who took the class earlier, I would have been in a heap of trouble. Take Math53 before taking Econ101A, but it's not all that critical for Econ101B.</p>
<p>Wow...if what you're saying is true then that could really change things for me and save me a lot of headache.</p>
<p>"I haven't taken a single math class since AP Calc BC in high school." So you're saying that you took the 101 series without taking multi-variable calculus? From what I've heard about the classes that sounds difficult. Did you take 101B with DeLong? Also, my intro MicroEcon class had a lot to do with supply/demand graphs etc. while my MacroEcon focused on GDP, inflation, etc. Is it this same difference in 101A/B that makes 101B easier (less graphs = less math)? </p>
<p>Sorry if I'm asking repetitive questions but I can only apply into Econ in my first semester so I want to make sure the risks aren't too high.</p>
<p>Hmm...I have a lot to think about now. If I end up doing this 101B thing and it works then I'm gonna have to hunt you down on campus and give you a hug.</p>
<p>Is there a limit to the number of times you can apply to the Econ major? Like, if I don't get in in the fall could I reapply in the spring? I suppose it wouldn't really matter though cuz they look at your GPA in your prerequisites.. and that technically wouldn't change... unless, say if I applied in the fall and completed 101b but didnt do that well, but then reapplied in the spring and used saay my 101a grade instead which i happened to ace... </p>
<p>alright, well question is can you apply more than once? is the only restriction is that you have to apply before you reach 80 units?</p>
<p>Lotso questions: I'm glad there's lots of interest in the econ major! :-D</p>
<p>ucbhi: Yes, I took 101B with DeLong. Sort of an oddball, but an easy grader (at least his GSI's usually are). And yes, the less graphs = less math, but 101A is more math than just graphs: mostly derivative-based formulae that are pretty standard in Math53, but a bit tricky to grasp at first if you're like me, and don't remember anything from Calc BC.</p>
<p>commonsense: You can apply as many times as you'd like as long as you have less than 80 units (including classes you're currently taking) at the time of application. Your scenario of using 101A or some other course to bump up your GPA is pretty common.</p>
<p>GoldenBear10: I obviously am not qualified to answer your question, especially a subjective one like that, but from my observation, BA is a bit harder to get into, but once you do get into Haas, you tend to coast through because the upper divs are real easy. Conversely, econ isn't all that hard to get into, but the upper divs tend to be pretty tricky. Of course, the Haas-titutes (said with tongue firmly in cheek) like to cultivate the myth that econ is a Haas-reject major, something that is simply not true, but that's a different story.</p>
<p>Thanks Pookdogg, the advice/info is really helpful! do you know where i can find out what the upper-div requirements are for the econ major? Again, thanks a lot</p>