Standard Courses for Economics Majors

<p>Hey I am just a prospective student who is applying to Berkeley and I was wondering what the standard course schedule for the first two years at Berkeley is. So could you just list the courses that you took your first two years at Berkeley. Thanks.</p>

<p>Um, I don’t think “standard” exists due to the different backgrounds people come from.
Anyway, it isn’t uncommon for people to double major in econ/stats or econ/math, so yeah…
Here’s an example of a random schedule…
Semester 1:
Econ 1
Math 53
stats 20</p>

<p>Semester 2:
Math 54
Econ 100a/101a

<p>Semester 3:
Math (H)110
Econ 100b/101b
upper div econ elective</p>

<p>Semester 4:
Math (H)104
Econ 140/141
Upper div econ elective</p>

<p>you should check these websites out: </p>

<p>[Current</a> Majors](<a href=“]Current”>Major Requirements | Department of Economics)</p>

<p>[Current</a> Majors](<a href=“]Current”></p>

<p>@ mitigated
are the math courses listed in the schedule for the math/stats major? or are they courses that will help in future upper econ courses?</p>

<p>Thanks mitigated and demoz that’s really helpful. If more people could post their course schedules that would be great.</p>

<p>7 breadth
2 R&C
econ 1
econ 175
stat 21
math 53
math 54
math 110
ugba 10
ugba 107
ugba 196</p>

<p>if i were an econ major, the only differences in my 1st-2-years classes would be to replace all the ugba classes with econ 101a, 101b and another econ elective (maybe econ 103). then probably graduate early. (w t f @ the low volume of econ classes?)</p>

<p>why are people taking math 110? is it a requirement for classes?</p>

<p>110 is extremely useful for other courses (e.g. econ 141).</p>

<p>A lot of the people who posted their schedules in this thread is referring to the “math-track” for econ, which, as the name suggests, require a lot of math. The majority of econ majors don’t take any math beyond math 16b.</p>



<p>Probably those who would take Math 110 and 104 or the honors versions of those courses (or even just Math 53 and 54 or the honors versions of those courses) would choose Economics 101A/101B/141 over 100A/100B/140. They may also choose Statistics 134/135 over Statistics 20.</p>

<p>However, most economics majors are in the “less math” version, since Economics 100A/100B/140 enrollments are about three times as large as those for 101A/101B/141. The “less math” version requires only Math 1B or 16B and Statistics 20 or 21. The “more math” version requires Math 53 and 54, and upper division math and statistics courses are recommended as preparation for graduate study in economics.</p>