<p>I'm currently undecided and am thinking about many different majors.
I was looking at the courses that one would have to take to fulfill Econ major requirements. I'm taking Econ51 this semester. Since I am from New York (and Duke isn't cheap), it is going to be pretty hard to take Econ 55 at Duke over the summer. I'm under the impression that it is recommended to get Econ 51/55 both done before the beginning of sophomore year. </p>
<p>Does anyone here know how Duke is about accepting credit from other colleges? I may want to take Intermediate Economics I at a local college and possibly linear algebra.</p>
<p>i have friends who are econ majors who took 55 as a sophomore, it's fine. you might have to double up with courses you may not want to double up on in future semesters, but a bunch of people do it that way.</p>
<p>yes, you can postpone it. Ideally, you should have 55, 105, 110 and 139 by the end of 1st semester junior year at the latest. 105 and 110 can be taken together after 55 and 139 can be taken I think after 105 and stat.</p>
<p>if you're deciding about majors - Econ 55 will give you a much better understanding of the Econ major compared to 51. Especially, if you get Dr. Nechyba :)</p>
<p>So would the following plan get me through the econ major nicely?</p>
<p>2nd Frosh: Econ 55
1st Soph: Econ 55, Stat 103
2nd Soph: Econ 105, Econ 139
1st Junior: Econ 110, Econ 100-level course (I found a few which require 105 and 139 but not 110).</p>
<p>It would be great to not have to take any classes over the summer, especially since they cost so much money.</p>
<p>You don't really need 139 for that many classes. I might not take 139 until senior year, but at the end of sophomore year I will have done 55,105,110 and 3 electives. </p>
<p>The real problem is I am also an engineer and can't take stats until second semester junior year if I go abroad (which I hope to do).</p>
<p>check the upper level courses prerequisities; i'm pretty sure you would need to take econometrics to take the upper level finance courses for instance......</p>