<p>Which major pays the most straight after graduation?</p>
<p>Depends on what you do and where you go. The [Cal</a> Career Center](<a href=“https://career.berkeley.edu/Major/Major.stm]Cal”>https://career.berkeley.edu/Major/Major.stm) is a good place for data on this, but it suffers from some biases which have been debated elsewhere. Computer Science majors tend to have higher starting salaries, but there are plenty of Economics majors who end up making more.</p>
<p>Holding everything else constant, I would say that Computer Science is a better major if you want to get a high paying job. You can move from Computer Science to Economics much more easily than the other way around.</p>
<p>Specifically to your question: CS makes more STRAIGHT out of graduation.</p>
<p>It also depends on which school did you earn your degree from. Berkeley CS grads are paid more because it is a top tier school for CS / EECS and most top employers are aware of that fact. It also has a special place at most big time SV companies and are preferred than grads from most schools, including Ivies.</p>
<p>I think at places like Duke, Chicago, NU and Ivies, Econ grads are paid more. But then again, their CS / EECS programs, if they offer one, aren’t as great and as prestigious as Berkeley’s.</p>
<p>@OP: judging from your previous posts, you seem to be very concerned with making money out of college. Why don’t you find a major that suits your interests, work ethic, personality, and ability? I’m not suggesting you’re not cut out for Econ or CS…Just don’t let money be the motivator.</p>
<p>^ I absolutely agree with you. </p>
<p>If the OP’s main motivation is money, then s/he should rather major in entrepreneurship at Babson or such school, or try to get into Haas or Wharton.</p>