Econ prereqs for MPP/MA-IR programs

<p>From what I've read most of the top MPP/MA-IR programs require a course in macro-econ and micro-econ before enrollment. Does anyone know of programs that don't require this? Somehow I graduated in polisci with honors blah blah blah, without ever having taken an econ course! Now I'm thinking I should take a couple classes at community college before applying anywhere...any advice?</p>

<p>Also I looked at the MA in International Politics from Stanford and they require macro, micro, international econ, and calculus based stats. This seems a bit excessive for prereq courses...especially calc based stats...maybe I've just been living under a rock here.</p>

<p>I’m looking into the same thing and while some schools don’t explicitly require Econ I think most will look more favorably on you if you have taken/plan to take it. That said I’m in a similar position of never having taken it during my undergrad years, so I took macro this fall and will take micro in the spring. At most place if it’s a requirement you can take them after you’re admitted but before you actually start school. Since many places want you to graduate from the MA program with courses in intermediate econ, I’d start now to get a good base. A statistics class might help too. I wish I had signed up for stats in the fall as I’m going to a small school and only part II is offered in the spring and of course you had to have taken part I to take part II…</p>

<p>You can always take intro macro and micro economics courses at a local 4-year college in the evening if you have to work full-time. Ask if they will accept community college credit before you go down this path.</p>