Economics: Business or A&S?

<p>I intend on majoring in Economics and then to get a masters degree on the same field. Which school would be most beneficial for that? What are the differences between the two programs?</p>

<p>Is one college considerably harder than the other to get into? Also, my math score in my SAT is my weak link, would that make me better qualified for the Arts and Science school? </p>

<p>How good are this programs are these in relation to the other programs offered in the University of Miami? Is it one of its strengths? Thanks in advance!</p>

<p>I was wondering the same thing, so hopefully someone can give us more insight.</p>

<p>I applied for the business school program. </p>

<p>One thing I do know is that Miami doesn’t accept/deny you based on your major. If you get into The U, you can get into your major. There are some majors with minimum reqs though; I know neuroscience is a 1300 SAT.</p>