Economics for Leaders seminar

<p>I'm curious if anyone has ever had a son or daughter attend an Economics for Leaders seminar? This is a one-week seminar in several cities around the country and is put on by the Foundation for Teaching Economics (Foundation</a> for Teaching Economics: Committed to Excellence in Economic Education). S1 attended the HOBY World Leadership Congress in Washington DC last summer and received a letter from them today with information about the Economics for Leaders program.</p>

<p>The cost is only $125-$200 (depending on location) plus travel and incidentials. The balance of the cost is underwritten by donors. Sounds like a cheap summer experience ~ just curious if it is worthwhile.</p>

<p>My D1 attended “EFL” a few years ago. As I recall, it was somewhat selective, with only 30 applicants being accepted at each location. She got her third pick of sites, and ended up in San Francisco (we are from Ohio). She had little knowledge of economics other than some self study beforehand. She is in the economics/math programs at UMich and happy, so I guess she enjoyed it! She also attended HOBY, and so did D2. Don’t know if D2 will apply for EFL, we haven’t received the letter you have. Maybe when the mailman can get through the snow to the mailbox we will get one.</p>

<p>I was impressed it was funded through donors and a foundation (GE maybe?). It seemed to be well run and organized. The attendees immediately communicated through Facebook or other means and they met each other at the airport to share a ride to the site. We knew our D was able to handle traveling by herself, but that is something to take into consideration when choosing your sites. </p>

<p>Price was definitely a positive, as many of the summer academic camps rivaled the price of a family vacation. It was worth enough that we made contribution to the foundation. If you have any other questions, you may pm me.</p>

<p>easmesmom ~ Thank you very much for the information. I think S would definitely enjoy the seminar - he had a great experience at state HOBY and WLC last summer. Although S plans to major in accounting, he definitely needs to have a thorough understanding of Economics.</p>

<p>I’m not sure I would want to send him off to San Francisco by himself (although he did manage to get to Washington DC for WLC on his own (we are in SD). Representatives from HOBY met him at the airport in DC, but he did have to navigate a layover and plane change in Ohio. </p>

<p>EFL has 11 seminars this year (including two in Wooster, OH). Maybe your D2 could get lucky and stay close to home.</p>

<p>We just received the letter in the mail yesterday so I’m sure your D2’s letter is on it’s way. The deadline isn’t until March 6th.</p>

<p>Again - thank you very much for the information. I think I will see if he wants to apply.</p>