ECs Questions

<p>Hello everyone. Longtime lurker, first time poster. I have a few questions:
First, I volunteer at the local hospital where I have accumulated over 200 hours. I also work at a gift shop throughout the year and especially during the summer. Last year I was the secretary of the SADD Club at my school. This year, we have not had any meetings and the facilitator teacher person has done nothing with the club. Is it ok to assume that I still hold this position until someone else is voted for the position and therefore it can go onto any application has being the secretary for both last year and this year? Also, I am extremely active in HOSA, which is the health professions club. I've helped create newsletters, fundraisers, etc. I am currently the "Reporter" for the club. What else should I be doing to make my ECs stronger? </p>

HOSA Reporter (Ran for Regional Office and lost by < 10 votes)
SADD Secretary
Part-Time Job at Gift Shop (Full-time during Summer)
Volunteer at hospital w/ 200+ hours
Volunteer at The Salvation Army w/ 30hrs.</p>

<p>I have received awards for HOSA (Member of the Year, County recognized me for competitions, etc).</p>

I forgot to add that I've also volunteered about 30 hours with The Salvation Army.</p>

<p>embrace your inner nerd and join an academic club…better yet, make one.</p>

<p>That is not an option.</p>
