<p>So they say Early Feb. but what does it really mean. Has anyone got an answer yet. and does anyone know if they e-mail the decsion too or just post it through regular mail.
Anyone else waiting?</p>
<p>We also are waiting for the EDII decision. Web site says mid-February but no more specific than that. Does anyone know if that means decisions are mailed out in mid-Feb. or students hear by mid-Feb.? This year, Feb. 15 is on a Sunday and the next day is Prez Day so the suspense is worse than it would be otherwise!</p>
<p>Has anyone heard from ConnCollege yet under EDII?</p>
<p>Finally. someone posts. we? there are others? Good to know.
Unless i am much mistaken, you’ll get a mail by 20th. Thats what happened in the last round.So they probably post on or around 15. I hope they send an e-mail to.But have not been able to confirm this yet.</p>
<p>We’re dying to know, too.</p>
<p>Has anyone called admissions?</p>
<p>So glad people are finally posting re Conn! My d is applying RD, and Conn is one of the top three on her list. Anybody want to weigh in with info/opinions/chat? Good luck to all you EDII-ers!</p>
<p>So no decisons yet?
Come on people. Anyone…</p>
<p>I am still waiting for mine. Guess i should call them.</p>
<p>Our D received her decision letter on Saturday. I had called Admissions on Friday and was told letters were mailed on Thursday. Our D’s came in a large envelope with these words printed on it: “The Fat Envelope” – so we knew instantly that she got in. Hope others had good news as well.</p>
<p>Thanks for posting this. Anyone else? cause i am still waiting
And Congrts on the great news</p>
<p>And they don’t e-mail?</p>
<p>They don’t e-mail or post decisions on their web site like some other colleges do. They then give about 10 days for the student to postmark a response (presumably because there should only be a positive response, unless there is a major financial aid problem).</p>
<p>BTW, despite what we thought was good prior research and a tour, we weren’t aware of the widespread drinking. Not sure how we missed it. However, it’s something DD will deal with. The preppy issue only came up because DD saw on Facebook this week photos of “preppy” looking students who had just been admitted, and wondered if they represented the majority of students. It seems not, as other sites and responses indicate the variety within the student body that we thought we had observed on campus. So it’s fine.</p>
<p>what’s about international students? Did they receive emails instead of snail mails?</p>
<p>yup. i got an e mail</p>