ED 2 or regular

<p>I really like Lehigh and I want to know if I have a better chance of getting in ED 2 or regular.</p>

<p>3.6 unweighted GPA
30 ACT
didn't send SAT
couple of AP's
bunch of extracurriculars (leadership roles as well)
4 year lacrosse player
academic award junior year
good recs, shown lots of interest
did an interview</p>

<p>Please let me know!!</p>

<p>well of course you'd have a better chance getting in ED 2, but unless you want to really go there and are willing to pay the price of it no matter how much money they give you, then don't do it. You have a good shot during regular.</p>

<p>AS LONG AS you really think about how much you like Lehigh, then go for it. If it is your first choice by far, then go for it.</p>

<p>If they don't offer you enough aid you can choose to back out fo the commitment</p>

<p>does Lehigh seem to admit more of their freshman class through early decision? I want to get in, and if my chances are a lot lower by applying regular, i'll apply early decision.</p>

<p>You've seemingly answered your own inquiry. It seems you should apply ED2 if you're up to attending there IF accepted regardless of financial aid. Effrum, can you please explain your response further?</p>

<p>If you read the common APP ED agreement it states that if you are admitted you must attend UNLESS the financial aid package is insufficient. So if you still feel that you cannot afford going to the school with they money they offered you can ask them for more, and if they don't give you anymore you can back out of the agreement.</p>

<p>Hey, thanks for that explanation. I was unaware that ED does not hold if the financial aid does not work.</p>

<p>no problem at all. It a loophole that kids often use to get out of their ED agreements</p>