ED Admissions

<p>Post here when you get your decision or when the online is up and running. Congrats to all that make it and sorry for those that didn't.</p>

<p><em>anxiously awaits decision</em></p>

<p>Hey, I actually qualify to post here now! Yay! =]</p>

<p>yea me too. grats to you aquamarinee. going into engineering you said?</p>

<p>Yupp. Congrats to you too!</p>

<p>I'm a CS major. What about you? =]</p>

<p>I got accepted into the college of arts and sciences!
congrats to everyone!!</p>

<p>i got into the school of education and social policy!
i'm so excited!
and congratulations to everyone else!!!</p>

<p>got into mccormick =] congrats to everyone</p>

<p>hi everyone. Just got accepted to Mccormick!
Congratulations to everyone!</p>

<p>i'm in WCAS... this is beyond exciting.</p>

<p>school of communications (theatre) - <em>FREAKS OUT</em>.</p>

<p>aqua - bio or chem /premed here</p>

<p>ahh congratulations guys!!
i was soo nervous to open up the website..</p>

<p>Congrats EVERYONE!!!
McCormick here...hope to see everyone soon!!</p>

<p>wow :') i'm so happy for all of you. maybe we'll cross paths unknowingly next year on campus! haha that would be coool.</p>

<p>got into WCAS</p>

<p>I love being able to post here now!</p>


<p>School Of Communications 2012 - Theater</p>

<p>Accepted!! I'm so happy!!!</p>

<p>My brother's in college and he somehow met someone from CC who lives in his dorm! Maybe we'll all meet someday too!</p>

<p>school of communications- Theatre!</p>

<p>Now I just have to find a way to pay for this...;)</p>

<p>haha, true that, knibbel. maybe our amazing post-NU salaries could lend a hand :)</p>

<p>Congrats everyone! </p>

<p>I can't wait to meet you guys =D</p>