ED applicant => deferred into the RD pool. What went wrong, and what do I do?

<p>Unweighted GPA and Weighted GPA sound highly inflated.
3.08 to 5.23, or even a 4.02?
How can this be? It’s only 9th- 11th grade. Your school may give extra points for Honors. most schools and colleges give you the extra point for AP classes only. All classes are figured into the equation. If you add an extra point for an AP or IB class, it becomes a 5.0 instead of a 4.0 or a 4.0 form a 3.0. Can’t imagine how you have over a 5.0. My son (UM grad) was 4.0 unweighted and upon graduation 4.44 weighted with 12 AP classes.</p>

<p>Not sure what to think then. I know for a fact that my school does not give extra points for honors. I think the way they do it, though, is 1 extra pt. for AP, and then 2 extra pts. for IB. That’s the way my school explained how the IB and AP would be calculated into the weighted GPA. The admissions officer didn’t say anything about my weighted being inflated, though, I guess if it is, then they probably took that into account on their own.</p>

<p>I’m guessing my chances are shot to hell, then? It sounds like like it, if they see it that way.</p>

<p>Don’t despair. </p>

<p>Miami is your reach school for a reason. No one should count on getting into their reach school and should apply to other schools they would gladly consider going to. Sounds like you are applying to many FL schools so you are either a resident or love the state. Either way, there are other great schools there that you can be happy at and succeed.</p>

<p>The good news is you are in the RD applicant pool. They did not reject you and they liked you enough to keep you in the running! Good luck to you!</p>

<p>Is the typical unweighted GPA really 3.08 range? Trust me, I want it to be, but in the UM freshmen profile it says that most students are around 3.6-3.7 area. Could anyone here clarify that? I really hope its 3.08… then I’m in for sure…</p>

<p>Idk about unweighted GPA. I just saw the freshman profile having it listed as a 4.2 on average. Which usually implies weighted GPA since it is above a 4.0.</p>

<p>If you are going by my statistics, then I wouldn’t say having above a 3.08 is assured to get in since I got deferred.</p>

<p>They asked me for my mid-year report, so I am guessing part of the reason why I may have gotten deferred may have been because of grades??? Nothing I can do about raising my SAT scores. Even though my counselors told me the wrong thing, it was my fault for not calling UM admissions myself after what my counselors had told me conflicted with the UM presentations regarding super scoring.</p>

<p>Ugh, I really thought I had a decent shot at getting in. Never really thought of UM as my ‘dream school’. Wasn’t expecting that deferral last Tuesday. C’est la vie I guess. If I get in in April, it is still my number 1 choice of college to attend and I will make sure my mid year reports are good. If I don’t get in, nothing much I can do except go to my back ups I guess.</p>

<p>Yeah I can understand how getting rejected would be majorly upsetting. Miami is one of the three schools I am praying to get into, and a rejection would really be such a waste of solid effort. But if you really want to go to UM, you could consider transferring? That’s my back up plan if worse comes to worse.</p>

<p>Yeah, I will make it my mission to attend the U one way or another, whether I get accepted in the RD pool after deferral, through transfer, or even if it happens during grad school. I really want to attend the U :/.</p>

<p>any news, @JKnick305?</p>


<p>My friend was on the UM waitlist last year and he wrote a letter eloquently explaining why he wanted to go to UM and that it was his first choice. It might be worth it for you to do this.</p>