ED Chances...

<p>Any input would be greatly appreciated.</p>

<p>I attend a highly competitive public school, with a couple Ivy-goers each year, but still many going to other top colleges.</p>

Weighted GPA 4.02/4
SAT: M 670, V 780, W 790
SAT2: US History 780, Math 1 and Spanish w/listening taken Nov. 06
rank unknown, but probably in the top 10-15%</p>

<p>I've taken the hardest courses offered at my school, except this year I am taking Calc AB instead of BC.</p>

<p>Fairly strong essay and recommendations.</p>

<p>Diverse extracurriculars with leadership positions, but nothing truly outstanding.</p>

<p>It should be mentioned that I am of Asian descent, living in a fairly affluent area.</p>

<p>Sorry to bump this up, but I'm really curious...</p>

<p>Any ECs? Assuming you have none, you're a little under par.</p>

<p>My main extracurricular is that I am one of the producers for my school's TV broadcast. I am also president of my school's Peace Club. Other than that, I'm in a couple honor societies, chorus, and I have a part-time job, about 20 hours a week.</p>

<p>I see nothing in your application that would stand out. You may not be very competitive in the applicant pool.</p>

<p>Perhaps stellar recs and an essay will make a difference.</p>