ED chances

<p>I wanna apply to Ameircan and I’m wondering about my chances</p>

<p>I’'m disabled but i’ve still managed to stay in the regular flow
GPA - 3.7 W
SAT - 1700
8 AP classes</p>

<p>Basketball manger 9th-10th, 12th
PAL (peer assistance leadership)
Newspaper - sports editor
Latin Club - 2nd VP 11th, President 12th. latin is really competive, and i still managed to get top 3 in every one of my competitions (Area, State, Nationals)</p>

<p>200+ volunteer hours</p>

<p>Honestly, you have an awesome chance! </p>

<p>but your SAT’s mkind of effect you. I really recommend you bring up your GPA.</p>

<p>You seem like an ideal ED candidate now that SAT scores are optional!</p>

<p>thanks. i’m the SAT next saturday. how high of a score would i need to help my chances by sending it in?</p>

<p>oops i meant to write “Bring up your SAT” not GPA lol sorry about that! your GPA is great!</p>