<p>I was deferred from my ED school and realistically don't have a huge shot at getting in. My 2nd choice school offers ED II and I want to apply there ED II. My mom said I have to think about it for one week to make sure it's really what I want to do. So in a week, how do I go about changing that app (which I submitted as a regular decision app) to ED II? Do I email the admissions office?</p>
<p>You should probably call the admissions office and see if you can fax or mail them the Common App Early Decision Agreement, because you’ll need that to officially apply ED.</p>
<p>If they say that’s what you can do, this week you can get your counselor to sign the agreement, and then at the end of the week your mom and you can sign it and send it in.</p>
<p>If you have already submitted the application RD,
then you should phone the school’s admission department directly.
Speak to the regional counselor if possible, or at least to an admission
official, not a student.
Typically, they will need to change your application status manually at this point.</p>
<p>Let them know that you have been thinking more about their school
and hope to change from RD to ED II. Respectfully ask if it is too late
and if not, how should you proceed. Can you download an ED form and fax it,
or do they have another preference. Ask them directly for guidance - just because things are done one way at school A, may have no bearing whatsoever
on how they are done at school B.</p>
<p>okay, I will do all of this. I hope it is not too late - I submitted the application like a month early, the actual deadline for ED II isn’t until January 1.</p>