ED vs. RD question

<p>I want to apply for a 5 year double degree program for Baritone Voice/Physics. Would my chances be better if I applied early, or should I wait for the benefit of senior grades?</p>

<p>GPA - 3.6 Unweighted, 3.9 Weighted (would be higher with 1st semeseter senior grades)</p>

<p>SAT 1 - 800 M, 750 CR, 680 W</p>

<p>SAT II - 800 MIIC, 750 Physics, 720 Bio E</p>

<p>AP U.S. History - 4</p>

<p>Senior Year AP's - Civics, Macroeconomics, Calculus BC, Physics, English Literature</p>

<p>Extracurriculars -
3 Years Wind Ensemble (1 year symphonic band), 2 as first chair clarinet
4 Years Marching Band, 2 as clarinet section leader
4 Years Jazz Band, guitar
4 Years Choir, 2 in prestigious chamber group
AMC 10 School Winner 10th grade (126.5)
AMC 12 (116.5)
AIME Qualifier 10-11
High School's Stanford University Math Organization team
Key Club 10-11
DDR Club 9-11</p>

<p>Volunteering -
100+ hours at Veteran's Affair Hospital
20+ hours teaching music classes at poor public school</p>

<p>Will have good/great essays, great recs from music/math teachers, god rec from science teacher, decent rec from history teacher.</p>


<p>i'm interested in music+arts/sciences too... my gpa is higher, but your test scores are definitely higher... and i think you have decent chances...
i'm not sure if it's better to apply early, but i guess if NU is your first choice, then go for it.
how competitive is it to get into music+BA program?</p>

<p>At some schools ED doesn't make a lot of difference, but it clearly gives an edge at NU. That edge seems to be shrinking a bit each year as the ED round becomes more competitive, but it still matters. </p>

<p>If NU is definitely where you want to be, and you can either pay for it, or are confident you'll qualify for enough financial aid, then go for it. Otherwise, it looks like you'd still have great chance in the RD round, if you have all your ducks in order.</p>

The program isn't competitive in the same way that programs like HPME are, per se. It's that you have to be accepted by both schools to take the double degree program. At least, that's my understanding of it.</p>

The program isn't competitive in the same way that programs like HPME


<p>E? whats E?</p>

<p>HPME=Northwestern's Honors Program in Medical Education</p>