EDers- what's your second choice?

<p>i’m trying to prepare myself for disappointment just in case things dont swing my way this thursday… what are your guys’ lists if you don’t get in?
mine is: stanford, columbia, vassar, nyu, tufts, pitzer, and pomona.
the rest of my schools are so different from brown! what about you?</p>

<p>My second choice is Pomona.</p>

<p>Georgia Tech. I got in last month, and I am 99.8634% sure that I won’t get in to Brown, so I’m pretty much buying like 30 Tech sweatshirts and stuff like that lol :-)</p>

<p>Vassar and Wesleyan have been the major back-ups for quite a while, but in the last few months Yale has asserted itself pretty highly as well.</p>

<p>congrats on georgia tech lbr218! and yeah, if i get into brown, i’m gonna wear a brown tshirt every day haha</p>

<p>UChicago. :D</p>

<p>i’m thinking either bowdoin, wash u, or wesleyan</p>

<p>middlebury, i think</p>

<p>Williams. Probably not gonna get in there either!</p>

<p>after plme, my main choices are rice/baylor msp, northwestern hpme, penn lsm, harvard, and princeton. but i don’t think i’ll get into any of them lol</p>

<p>Tufts…or Johns Hopkins. If I don’t get into Brown (which hah, would be a miracle if i did) I’m reallllly hoping i’ll get into one of those two.</p>

<p>William and Mary, but I’m a little bit nervous that if I can’t get into Brown, I might not be able to get into W&M either…</p>

<p>Probably Wesleyan, but maybe Chicago or Berkeley. Though I live in Northern California and at least 5 people from my school will go to Berekley next year, and I don’t know, I kind of want to get away from my usual group of friends and meet new people, and whatever else.</p>

<p>my second choice is probably Yale…but I kind of love Georgetown as well. I’m not sure about Wes, I’m applying and it reminds me of brown a lot but I worry it might be too druggy for me. hmmm.</p>

<p>My second choice is tufts and my third choice is wesleyan but I’m also applying to pomona, claremont Mckenna, scripps, bowdoin, Boston college, bryn Mawr, dartmouth, carleton, Middlebury, UVA. A lot, I know but I’m just very unsure where I will get in and all my colleges are so high up.</p>

<p>Oberlin. Amherst is up there, too.</p>

<p>Mines Michigan</p>

<p>Dartmouth and Duke. obviously very different schools</p>


<p>hahaha oh man hogwarts would be the best…</p>